Chapter 76 - Coup d'état

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"*Huff*Huff* Aim and fire!"




A line infantry fired two salvos of their trusted muskets towards the opposing soldiers loyal to the Emperor.

These are the very same soldiers that were sent out to attack the Cardonian mainland, the sailors and marines embarked on the ships of the now destroyed Grand Fleet. They have failed to reach the peninsula and once they got home, they were severely punished by the Emperor himself. Dissatisfied on how things go against them, once they've have learned that certain military officials were launching a rescue mission in which they've understood as a Coup, they've easily agreed to join them. Amidst the darkness of the night, their salvos were accurate.

A small squad of soldiers loyal to the Generals have infiltrated the large Imperial Central Prison and have let the dissatisfied Sailors and Marines rotting in the cells free. They have easily overpowered the Prison guards and captured their weapons. And now they are seiging the largest naval dock on the whole Empire.

The stationed Capital Guards here are being outnumbered by the minute, as not only the regular prisoners have joined the ranks of the rebels, but active duty sailor and marines are also beginning to turn. They are getting encircled.

"DON'T LET THEM THROUGH! ONCE THEY CAPTURED THE ARMORIES AND THE DOCKS WE'RE DONE FOR!" an Imperial Capital Guard shouted as he assembled his flailing troops. Their position on the main road is vital in preventing the large mass of rebels to go through the docked ships which is only a few hundred meters away.



The guards answered their officer, through a concentrated volley of fire.

"CAPTAIN THE SHIPS!" shouted a guard.

The officer quickly gazed on the direction of the shouting guard, only to find the large 6 inch cannon aboard the nearest docked steamship directed at his crew.


As soon as he shouted on top of his lungs. The large naval cannon let loose.


Firing at almost point blank the shell immediately find it's way on the defending guards.

An explosion has ripped through the lines of the Imperial guards. Instantly killing their Captain and a few other officers.

Leaderless and pressured by the amassing disgruntled sailors and marines the line began to fall.

"DON'T LOSE HOPE! HOLD THE LINES LONG ENOUGH BEFORE THE DEMONS ARRIVED!" shouted the next high ranking officer in which he immediately took command.



On the Western Garrison, forces loyal to the Imperial Princess have easily took control on the largest garrison defending the Capital itself. The involved General and Commanders have swapped the on duty guards here with their own loyal soldiers explaining the easy capture of the garrison.

"CONCENTRATE YOUR FIRE ON THOSE DAMNED DEMONS! YOUR FOREFATHERS FOUGHT THEN WITH STICKS! WHAT MORE OF US ARMED WITH DYLASLAN RIFLES!" an officer shouted trying to raise the morale of the soldiers. They knew very well that they would be the first one to be attacked by the revered Demon Guards being their close proximity to the Palace.

The forces here are at least confident that they could fight the demons, as a small regiment of anti-demon soldiers loyal to the Supreme Commander were embedded amongst them, these guys are proficient in close quarter combat and is armed with magic imbued melee weapons and are comparable to the Archesian White Knights. And the regular infantry are armed with Dylaslan Repeating Rifles that have anti demon bullets, which the Supreme Commander also ordered.

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