Chapter 40 - Airborne

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Day 4

8:00 AM

Two A-400M's flew in formation just some mere 8000 feet. They are already deep into Ginianian lands.



"There's only two things that fall from the sky! Manna from heaven and AIRBORNE TROOPERS!" the lead jumper shouted as he exited the aircraft.

Paratroopers then began to jump out on the side doors of the giant aircraft. Using static lines, once they've exited the aircraft, the parachutes deployed momentarily.

For the local demi-humans living in the area, it was a surreal sights, hundreds of this green like mushroom slowly descends from the heavens from this giant noisy grey flying objects.

A few Imperial guards spotted the them and quickly assembled a few of their units, every Imperial forces on the island are on high alert due to the attack last night.

The troops landed on a large open field unopposed. They've quickly fixed their gear and began to regroup. Among them the five Ginian knights began to guide them to the forests as planned.

The giant force would have surely garnered the attention of any hostiles from the surroundings.

But they've continued their way to the thick forest, a secret route by the Ginians would lead them towards one of the towns wherein the Royal Family is kept inside a castle.

Resistance fighters loyal to the Ginianian Monarchy are already mixed in on the large civilian population. They could immediately cause a ruckus, dividing the Imperial forces and in that way, the 601st could enter the Castle with minimal opposing forces or OPFOR.

And that went quickly, the forest gave the 200+ men cover and they were able to slip pass the Imperial forces investigating them.

The mission is strictly an extraction one, thus needlessly engaging the enemy would let them lose time and ammunition.

A small force of 30 men and 3 Ginian knights broke formation and cautiously made their way on the outskirts of the town. They will contact the resistance fighters to start the uprising.

The remaining men were guided to the underground canal system that would lead them on one of the resistance fighters house and is literally right next to the palace.


11:00 AM

And the operation began.




The soldiers count down the time through their radios.


Near the market and an Imperial garrison.

A salvo of M203 grenades from a Milkor on a adjacent building, were the flames that start the great uprising.

A dozen of the Imperial forces, both humans and monsters were instantly killed.

It was followed by automatic gunfire from two FN Minimi. Shredding any Imperials troops trying to escape from the garrison. Supported by automatic fire from the soldiers. They then assaulted the building.

"FRAG OUT!" shouted the pointman as he throw as grenade inside the garrison.

An RPG-7 was then fired from across the building, destroying the watchtower where a few musketmen were taking cover.

The Soldiers then rushed in towards the building, opening fire on everything that move, it was quick and decisive.


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