Translators Note

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Hey guys. A lot of you may be wondering why I haven't updated in a while. And the truth of the matter is... I just haven't been translating. With the whole virus situation literally turning my life upside down, I've had to make a lot of adjustments recently and it's been difficult particularly now that it's gotten to the point where I'm cut off from all outside contact aside from family members. It's suffocating. It really is. It feels as though I've lost the ability to breath. With all that happening I simply haven't found the time or motivation to really translate. There probably won't be a new chapter for a while. At least until I manage to regain some form of anatomy over my life.

Stay safe guys and I hope to see you again in a time when it doesn't seem like some apocalypse is upon us (●°u°●)​ 」

魂兵之戈/Jiang Chao Ge and The Spirit Weapon Where stories live. Discover now