Chapter 34

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Everyone in the room was looking at Ruan Qian Xiu.

Ruan Qian Xiu revealed a mocking smile: "Finally decided to kill me huh."


"Apparently people of my father."

"Qi Ling Feng?" Jiang Chao Ge thought from beginning to end, suddenly realising something: "He's afraid you'll reveal the spiritual power cultivation techniques of Qi Clan?"

Ruan Qian Xiu nodded.

Jiang Chao Ge's heart beat, "Don't tell me you still have the techniques on you?" Although the State Preceptor once gave him the primary cultivation techniques when he was still alive, he was still extremely curious of other cultivation techniques.

"It's in my head." Ruan Qian Xiu kicked away the body with a foot, hanging Zheng Chen Crescent Blades at her hipbone, eyes becoming fierce and tough, "Almost no one that was targeted by Cha Xue has been able to successfully escape...... however, once we cross Bei Yue Mountain, we'll be out of the north. The influence of Blood Temple will be weaker."

"Bei Yue Mountain is less that two hundred Li from Shao Xian Mountain." Jiang Chao Ge said with a smile: "It seems that you are destined to travel with us."

Ruan Qian Xiu looked at Jiang Chao Ge, "Thank you for saving me. I will definitely return this favour."

"Alright, then I will gladly remember it." Jiang Chao Ge had just finished speaking, when he felt someone tugging his clothes. He lowered his head and looked, Zhi Xuan was currently stretching his neck upwards and looking at him, "What is it?"

"Your face, is it bleeding?" Zhi Xuan stood on tiptoes, yet it seemed it was still difficult for him to see clearly.
Only then did Jiang Chao Ge remember that he was scratched by the hidden weapon of the Cha Xue assassin. He lifted his hand to feel it. There was a trail of blood on his face. He squatted down, two hands pinching Zhi Xuan's rounded waist, "It's just a little scratch alright?"

Zhi Xuan frowned severely, "Your lifespan will shorten again like this!"

Jiang Chao Ge said with a smile: "How can a little scratch shorten my lifespan?"

Zhi Xuan cupped his face and leaned closer, sticking out a soft pink tongue to lick his wound. Jiang Chao Ge froze, immediately wanting to move his face away. Zhi Xuan slapped his face with a palm, "Dont move, my saliva can speed up the healing of a wound."


"No kidding." Zhi Xuan licked his wound seriously, saliva covering half his face.

Although Jiang Chao Ge was unwilling, he still couldn't refuse. But under the gaze of everyone he was somewhat embarrassed. He hurriedly picked up Zhi Xuan and returned to his own room.

After Zhi Xuan concentratedly licked the entire wound once, he licked the corners of his mouth, "Your blood is sweet. Your flesh should also be quite tasty."

Jiang Chao Ge shivered, "I heard that the sweeter the blood, the sourer the meat. It's not tasty at all."

"You've eaten human flesh before?"


Zhi Xuan snorted lightly, "Fen Nian has eaten all kinds of human flesh. I believe what he says."

Jiang Chao Ge frowned: "Who's Fen Nian?"

"You humans call him Tao Tie." Zhi Xuan stroked his chin, "That guy is quite interesting. At least alcohol and delicious food can be gathered together."

"The Twelve Ancient Rare Beasts, you're familiar with all of them?"

"I've lived for thousands of years, I'm familiar with those I should be familiar with."

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