Chapter 16

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"Old Meng!" Jiang Chao Ge supported his body and said impatiently: "Old Meng, we agreed. Go quickly! Don't worry about me!"

Meng Sheng held his shoulder with blood streaming down. Red light appeared in his palm and the flow of blood was staunched, "It has nothing to do with you. He will not let me go."

Shen Yan Sui said coldly: "No wonder you're so much worse than before. You actually practise the techniques of a spirit priest? In any case, you were a rank 4 spirit weapon user, to actually give up halfway. Don't tell me it was just to live longer? Simply ridiculous."

Jiang Chao Ge noticed that Meng Sheng's shoulder was beginning to leak a thread of black blood. He said angrily: "Poison?"

"Fei Yi was originally extremely poisonous......" The colour in Meng Sheng's face completely receded. He pushed away Jiang Chao Ge and attacked towards Shen Yan Sui once again. At the same time, the rhinoceros once again appeared out of thin air, sharp horn stabbing towards Shen Yan Sui's body.

Ying Ji who was ten metres away from the movement disappeared from his original place and in the next second was in front of Shen Yan Sui's body, sharp claws grabbing the sharp horn of the rhinoceros. The two rare beasts collided loudly.
Meng Sheng stabbed with his long sword, the tip grazing past Shen Yan Sui's chest. Shen Yan Sui leapt into midair, Ying Ji Claw emitting a cold white light, bringing an insidious energy. It grabbed towards Meng Sheng's chest as if it was alive.

Jiang Chao Ge lifted his sword to block, but he had yet to near Shen Yan Sui when he was fiercely knocked away by a vicious current. He couldn't even go near a Heaven grade spirit weapon without spiritual power to protect his body! This one strike felt as if a heavy fist had landed on his chest, making his internal organs heartrendingly hurt. Zhi Xuan Sword also slipped out of his hand, dropping on the ground. Suddenly as if a meteorite dropped from the highest heavens, the earth shook, even a huge hole was actually smashed into the ground.

Meng Sheng's footsteps were unstable and he tumbled to the ground. Ying Ji Claw attacked. He rolled numerous times in succession, and a piece of flesh on his back was once again gorged out by the flying claw. His spiritual power was of no use and had no choice but to once again return the rhinoceros.

Shen Yan Sui and Ying Ji pounced on Meng Sheng at the same time.

Jiang Chao Ge's eyes widened in alarm, spitting out the blood in his mouth. He grabbed Zhi Xuan Sword and exerted all the strength in his body and ferociously threw it!

As soon as Zhi Xuan Sword left his hand, it became as heavy as tens of thousands of Jin. Jiang Chao Ge didn't know how Zhi Xuan Sword was transported to Tian Ao City back then. He only knew that the reason he was still alive, was because he was the only one that could hold it!

Shen Yan Sui's flying claw was just about to strike Meng Sheng's throat. Now, seeing that sword being thrown at Ying Ji, he had no choice but to stop his offensive, wanting to recall Ying Ji.

But it was too late. Ying Ji's body was too big. No matter how fast he was, he couldn't completely avoid it. Zhi Xuan Sword slammed ruthlessly into Ying Ji's body. Ying Ji let out a mournful scream, long snake body sliced in half at the middle!

Ying Ji was injured, Shen Yan Sui's spiritual power consumed like overflowing water. He hurriedly recalled Ying Ji back into the spirit weapon to heal, the flying claw flying towards Jiang Chao Ge at the same time.

That was a high class spirit weapon user matched with a Heaven grade spirit weapon. Jiang Chao Ge couldn't dodge at all and could only look on helplessly as the savage flying claw was about to grab his flesh and blood.

魂兵之戈/Jiang Chao Ge and The Spirit Weapon Where stories live. Discover now