Chapter 23

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He understood from the imperial body guard that the ten silver coins given at the gate just now was down payment, proving that you weren't here to cause trouble. If you deposit more, then your seat will be especially good. The two were arranged to the third row of the auction hall.

People who were participating in the auction had already arrived one after another, and those that wanted to come and watch the fun were put on the second floor. Jiang Chao Ge had attended many auction before and he had never seen an auction like this one. The manner bore remarkable resemblance to watching a stage play. Moreover it was a clamorous comedy, and needed the whole audience to create an atmosphere.

Because Zhi Xuan didn't like to come into contact with humans, Jiang Chao Ge could only sit in a corner. As people gradually increased, the auction formally began.

The first few displayed were all very ordinary Earth grade beast materials and could not draw anybody's attention.
The sixth auctioned item, was finally somewhat interesting. It was a dizi made of the bones of a Luan Bird. Rumour has it that the call of a Luan Bird had five scale, like the sounds of natural, extremely graceful. Even if this flute was blown by a person who had absolutely no idea about tuning, it could still emit a sound that made people enchanted. As expected, the auctioneer blew two times on the spot. The sound was mellow and pleasant to the ear, delicate and lovely. If it was used by someone with spiritual power, one could also summon the Luan Bird to play together with the dizi. That scene was very beautiful upon consideration.

The starting price of this Luan Bird dizi was five hundred silver coins.

Zhi Xuan's eyes lit up, tugging on Jiang Chao Ge's hair, "I want."

"This thing is good for listening but not useful."

"No, I want it." Zhi Xuan pointed at the imperial bodyguard and ordered: "Go buy it."

Jiang Chao Ge glanced at the imperial bodyguard, telling him to ignore him. He patted Zhi Xuan's back, "What do you want this for? You don't even know how to play dizi."

"Sounds nice."

"This is only the sixth item. There will be many more interesting things later. If you like them all, I can't afford it."

"Doesn't Yu Ren Shu have money?"

"How can we have the face to spend other people's money recklessly." Jiang Chao Ge thought, the money should be spent on useful things.

Zhi Xuan frowned, whole face unhappy.

"Listen, the price of the dizi has already been added to eight hundred silver coins. These auctioned items are so expensive. How about this, if you like it, I'll buy you one thing, but you can only want one today. Do you still want the dizi?"

Zhi Xuan thought for a bit, nodded and then shook his head.

Jiang Chao Ge stroked his head and smiled: "So obedient."

In the end, the Luan Bird was auctioned off at the price of one gold coin. Although this dizi was good, if it weren't for the fact that the music entranced people, there was not much use even if it was bought. So one gold coin was already pretty high.

The seventh auctioned item was a whole beast skeleton. It's size was somewhat  similar to a cow. It's head was relatively small, body of a bird yet the sole of its feet were similar to an ape.

People in the auction hall began to guess one after another what beast skeleton it was. Some people yelled it out loudly, some people also refuted. It was very noisy inside the hall.

Jiang Chao Ge asked the imperial bodyguard, "The auctioneer doesn't tell us what that thing is?"

The imperial bodyguard shook his head, "No. They let us make a judgement ourselves."

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