Chapter 40

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Jiang Chao Ge was stupefied momentarily, ferociously pushing Zhi Xuan, wanting to  flip over. Yet Zhi Xuan was annoyed, firmly pressing Jiang Chao Ge down not allowing him to move, lips pressed against Jiang Chao Ge's lips. Because Zhi Xuan used too much force, the two pairs of lips pressed together, teeth knocked against teeth. It didn't feel like a kiss but rather a match of strength. Jiang Chao Ge didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He had never felt such a forceful, uncomfortable kiss in his entire life.

However, it seemed that Zhi Xuan was actually very interested. After pressing lips together he didn't know what to do next, so he remained that way looking at Jiang Chao Ge with wide eyes. Their breaths fanned across each other's faces, warm and ticklish. Zhi Xuan felt his heart pound slightly. He had never tried this kind of feeling before. Although it was a bit strange,  it was actually..... pretty good. He couldn't help but stretch out the tip of his tongue, licking Jiang Chao Ge's soft lips. He'd  wanted to know what it tasted like here last time.

Jiang Chao Ge stiffened. It was the first time he'd ever kissed a man in his life. He didn't feel disgust or discomfort but rather helplessness. Even if it was adult form Zhi Xuan, in his eyes his personality was no different to a child's. Zhi Xuan didn't know what was awkward or shameful and was only curious, wanting to try everything. He unfortunately had become the human closest to him and so would be forced to allow him to 'experiment'.

However he also couldn't continue to allow Zhi Xuan to play around like this.

Taking advantage of the gap made by Zhi Xuan licking to his heart's content, he finally had the opportunity to speak. He pushed Zhi Xuan a few times: "Zhi Xuan..... enough."

Zhi Xuan's movements paused and he said with dissatisfaction: "You've kissed other people before right?"


"Then why am I not ok? Don't tell me I'm no match for lowly humans?"

"That isn't the same."

"How isn't it the same thing?" Zhi Xuan glared angrily, "You are my servant. You belong to me. I can do whatever I want with you."

Jiang Chao Ge began to get annoyed, but thinking about his lousy situation, he angrily shouted 'patience' in his heart. He logically persuaded himself to remain calm and then said patiently: "Zhi Xuan, you misunderstand. Kissing is something done between lovers. You know lovers right? We're not."

Zhi Xuan froze, face suddenly flushing, leaping up abruptly yelling: "Absurd, how can I become lovers with a lowly human."

Jiang Chao Ge let out a breath.

Zhi Xuan looked at his expression of obvious avoidance, flames of fury surging in his heart, "What kind of expression is that? Don't hope to become my lover, you are only my servant!"

"Yes yes yes, that is right."

Zhi Xuan humphed heavily, turning around with his back to Jiang Chao Ge. Because his breathing was too heavy, his shoulders heaved up and down.

Jiang Chao Ge knew that he could become very angry, although right now, it was becoming increasingly difficult for him to understand the reason of Zhi Xuan's anger.  This should be the difference between man and beast he thought sarcastically. Jiang Chao Ge decided not to provoke him at this time, shrinking towards the wall, laying with clothes on.
The sound of Zhi Xuan's heavy breathing emitted from the dark and quiet room, making one feel somewhat uncomfortable hearing it. Jiang Chao Ge couldn't fall asleep because of the sound. Keeping in mind the journey ahead full of thistles and thorns he sighed endlessly in his heart.

After a while, Zhi Xuan turned around luminous golden eyes extremely bright in the darkness becoming somewhat scary, Jiang Chao Ge couldn't pretend to be asleep even if he wanted to because Zhi Xuan would find out. He could only say: "Can't sleep?"

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