Chapter 36

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The closer they came to the Gemini Peaks, the more the surrounding temperature dropped. That chill that seemed to pierce one to the bone was hard to bear even for Yu Ren Shu.

In order to keep warm, they drank all the alcohol that'd been prepared for Zhi Xuan and was cursed at for a while. Jiang Chao Ge promised that when they arrived at a bigger city, he would definitely buy a Na Wu Pouch with more space.
On the way, they saw many random rare beasts. There were ones that flew and ones that walked, all limited in number so they also didn't dare approach them. Only that annoying Xian reappeared once again, causing them to feel a foreboding premonition.

The Gemini Peaks were already in front of their eyes. The two huge peaks pierced the clouds. The top was concealed behind a curtain of snow making it impossible for them to judge how tall it really was. The haze gave rise to an invisible sense of oppression. The valley between the two peaks was like the entryway to hell. The fog made it hard to make out anything clearly yet it emitted a sense of horror like a dark cave.

"I can sense many things even from this distance." Zhi Xuan whispered.

"Is that so...." Jiang Chao Ge gulped, uncertain of what he'll see once they walk in.

Ruan Qian Xiu asked: "The area of the valley between the two peaks isn't small. How will we find a weapon?"

Yu Ren Shu said: "Usually the landform of the place in which a Heaven grade spirit weapon resides will always be a bit strange. Because Heaven grade spirit weapons are extremely heavy, it will often make a pit. The ground will sink, destroying the form of the mountain. So as long as we find the general location it's not hard to find."

Long Xiang said with a frown: "Then what if it's buried underground? With the few people we have, how are we going to excavate it?"

Yu Ren Shu and Jiang Chao Ge's eyes met, "If we don't find the right one, we won't excavate it. We'll tell Qi Ling Feng the news and let him send people to excavate it."

Zui You shook his fur, "I always feel you're hiding some big secret." 

Long Xiang and Ruan Qian Xiu also thought so, only they obediently didn't ask. They only temporarily joined up for the own benefits after all. They will go their seperate ways after coming down the mountain.

After the entering the valley, it truly was like the guide said. There was hardly any sunlight with the mountain peak blocking it and was very dark. But in any case it still blocked the wind and snow. Their line of vision immediately become much clearer, no long unable to open their eyes because of the wind.

They saw several Ling Hu, Ju Ji and many Xiao. Those Ju Ji were about the size of a dog and looked like a hedgehog with the face of a mouse. It had a body full of thick spines. They rolled around playfully in the snow and when they saw them, they moved to the side, staring fixedly at them.

Jiang Chao Ge was seriously concerned that they'd attack. The spines on their back looked very painful. But how good would it be if those spines were made into daggers and drilled into something. Unfortunately, he couldn't bring anything away.

Because they had two Heaven grade spirit beasts escorting them, they never came across another surprise attack. After searching the valley for almost a whole day  they still had no results. It was only when the sun began to set did they find a cave within the depths of the valley. The entrance of this cave was less that three metres tall. Even Zheng Cheng had to crawl in, let alone Tian Rong's beast form. This was the only peculiarity they'd found after searching for so long. The cave entrance was very circular, unlike a naturally formed cave. But the walls of the cave were too rough with no sign of it being chiseled by a tool. It didn't seem like the work of human craftsman. One cannot help but become curious of how this cave was formed.

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