The Retract

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I never liked waking up early but this husband mine is always on point. When the sun is up, he is up too. His habit annoyed me when he pulled me closer in the bed and caress my back as his hands moved towards my front. It felt amazing nevertheless.

Last night we finally landed in Santorini, Greece, before we could start off with our honeymoon we needed rest. Atleast me. Lots of it.

Taking a nice warm bath I never knew when sleep eloped me. But virat here was awake in the morning and started to bug me with his touching. It was breaking my sleep.

"Virat, please let me sleep." I moaned with my eyes closed. I heard Virat huff behind me, when I thought he was done his arm was around my waist pulling closer and closer in his embrace.

Listening to my protest, "I'll let you sleep peacefully only if you let me do this." Virat's lips found skin on my nape to kiss which got me sigh in content. His torture didn't stop and he started to slip his warm palm under my tee just to stroke my skin.

He continued and made way upwards right above my chest. I shuddered in excitement, I wasn't wearing any bra. The moment he touched the valley between my breast we both let out a moan. Virat's lips went wider on my skin as he smiled, "fuck asmi, you are not wearing any bra." I whimpered when kept tickling my skin but not doing what I wanted, "I like you this way, completely bare." Pushing my hair aside I felt him lick my skin making me groan for more.

When couldn't help but moan his name begging him, "yes baby?" He asked in a innocent voice and I wanted to smack him for torturing me like this, first he woke me up from my precious  sleep and now he wasn't giving me what I needed the most. So I turned and faced him, "my beautiful wife." He spoke as his finger touched my cheek I smiled and scoot closer to his inviting myself in his warm embrace.

This was time for me to take my revenge so I wrapped  my leg around his waist and rubbed myself against him teasing him. I don't know about him but the friction definitely got me worked up. Virat grunt like an animal and his mouth found mine in an abandoning kiss. 

We kissed as if we were starving this from so long and it was true. I needed him so much and things got excited when Virat grabbed my bum and pulled me unbelievably closer. He got me move so that the friction increase and it felt painstakingly good. Soon the ache grew and his poking member got me crazy. 

Suddenly Virat stopped my moments by holding me in place, he sat up with me in his arms. His warm brown eyes met mine melting me right then and there with that intensity. Slowly his hand went towards the neck of my T-shirt as he pulled it down taking a peak at my breasts. Pleasure made me arch back when his mouth met my nipple, he suckled and I was done for.

I whimpered wanting him to be a little harder with his actions so that I would get the relief. Virat seems to have different plans when he pulled back latched his lips onto my neck, fuck he knew where I liked to be kissed.

His moments slowly came to a halt and he took hold of my hands pushing them behind his neck just to bring me closer so that our nose touch. His eyes met mine and those were full of worry.


I couldn't wait to push myself inside her but when Asmi started shaking I had to stop, I cupped her redden cheeks and looked into her drunken eyes. Her body seem hot, hotter than normal. Was it from the make out or something else I couldn't figure out. 

Her darken eyes flickered onto my mouth and she leaned in touching her lips on mine gently, that one move made me sigh in content, I held back of her neck and deepened the kiss. When her fingers touched my face I felt her shiver, "baby you okay?" I couldn't help but ask.

When I heard her hmm against my skin, "I think we should stop." I held her hands and got them away from me.

"What?" Asmi was baffled as she taken aback.

"Otherwise we will miss today's sightseeing, come on let's get ready." She gave me a weird look before getting inside the washroom. I groaned at the hardness between my legs and fell back on the mattress.


Asmi was mostly silent throughout the outdoor breakfast, I knew she was feeling rejected but I don't know why but I was having a feeling she wasn't ready with us being intimate. Physically atleast.

I noticed her fidgeting with her wedding ring which I slipped into her finger a month back. I loved the expressions on her face when she glowed looking at it with pure love. I sighed when I saw her sipping on the coffee, I felt like explaining myself.

"Asmi, about the morning — " Before I could say anything further her eyes snapped at me as if telling me to drop it, I shut my mouth.

We both got up and began our sightseeing. Asmi entered a gift shop making me follow my gorgeous bride like a lost puppy. She started checking out stuff and I found the board games section to browse.

When asmi was besides me I heard her sigh which made me ask her, "you want something?" Her eyes met mine and she shook her head, this time I held her hand and ushered us outside. 

Once we were at a secluded place I couldn't help but pull her in and kissed her lips. I felt her reciprocation the moment her arms flew around my neck and her entire self was pressed against mine.

Excitement surged in and all I wanted is to devour her. Asmi is nothing less than a mouth watering desert, "virat, what are you doing? Someone might see. " My wife's breathless words reached my ears as I kept myself busy in crook of her neck. Her smooth skin with that added warmth was an amazing feel, I didn't bother to respond and my hand started to skim on her legs. That sundress gave me quick access to those slender ones. Fuck I wanted her, I wanted to claim her in this moment.

Everything came to halt when asmi blurt, "I thought you didn't want me." This wasn't her usual sweet voice which begs me for more, it was an accusation, a reminder for my earlier actions. I backed away rested my palms on the walls behind asmi, caging her.

"I would take you right here right now against this wall. Just say and I'll show how crazy I am for you." My voice heavy from the arousal, I saw asmi blink and her eyes flickered on downwards, then me.

She shook her head and snorted a little, "don't lie virat. I saw you pulling away multiple times." My heart sank looking how vulnerable she got when eyes started to glisten.

Before I could clear things out she blabbered further, "I get it I am not the most beautiful girl in the world but I thought you love me the way I am. I already feel insecured when I see Veronica and you on all billboards in city, its professional I get it but to worsen it you started to behave like this. We are married now and all I want to be with is you. But you behaving like this, I don't like —" I didn't know asmi had overthought things, it was ridiculous Veronica angle as well. Asmi knows how much I love her. Looks like she needs some convincing.

On multiple occasions I had retracted myself when things were getting heated. I couldn't go through looking at her shaking self.

When asmi palmed her face sobbing my insides clenched painfully. Pulling her entire self against me I held her close. I shushed her and wiped under her gorgeous eyes. Soon when her sobs subsided I held her lead us towards the car. "wha-where are you taking me?" asmi asked wiping her tear stained cheeks.

"Hotel." I replied opening the door, but asmi stood on the side rather than getting in.

"Why?" She asked holding bottom of her dress when it got breezy. I went near her and tucked those hair strands away. Asmi breathed deeply when I saw the rise and dip in her chest, later in she gasped when I spoke.

"To smack some sense in you."

Future Ex-Fiancée ||Virat Kohli AU Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now