The Approach

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Luckily the photo was taken down and my managers made the social media believe that it was actually a fake. I took a big sigh when I got the news whilst I was going back to the villa after practice session. It was going to take a while for Strom to calm down but I could already feel it happening.

With a relived smile on my face I opened the gate and saw Asmi at the balcony taking picture of something standing very close to the railing with a polaroid camera near her face. I chuckled and called out her name, it just startled her and then I knew when something colorful few near her.

It was a butterfly.

She was taking a picture of a butterfly. Asmi's eyes met mine but rather than getting mad at me because of the ruined shot; she smiled waving at me.

This girl.


Once I came back into the grand room after a nice cold bath I found Asmi all jumpy and ready as if waiting for me. That got me curious and I went near her, she met me halfway, "do you know what happened today?" her squeaky voice asked with a childish grin on her cute face.

So I played along, "what happened? Looks like, something good. " At my response her grin just went wider and she nodded enthusiastically trailing off, "you won't believe. I got a promotion."

I beamed at her the moment she spoke those words, and learned in just to hug her taking her small frame between my arms. She jumped finding whatever gap there was between us and squealed incoherent words. She looked so happy.

" I so wanted this promotion virat. A separate cabin by for myself. This is so amazing." The reason for the promotion was so innocent to me but nevertheless I was happy. And proud of her. I couldn't help but was about to confess the same. But this girl didn't let me congratulate her kept blabbering. And this time, I listened all of it. I didn't find it boring as I found Veronica's talks a little too much.

Asmi's faint flower scent was around me as she was sitting so close. I inhaled her more when she kept telling me the stories at the office. I laughed when she told me when she cursed loudly when she accidentally played one of her best friend's voicemail. It was filled with nasty words that she herself cursed and in panic rather than tuning down the volume she just increased it. "That was one of the worst day. I still gets aftershocks when my boss walks around and gives me the what the f— look whenever he passes by." I whizzed more and threw my head back.

I wasn't aware that my arm was still around Asmi's shoulder and when I moved she got closer to my chest. My heart. Making it beat tad faster than usual. Being with Asmi has always brought a content in my being as if I was belonged to be here, near her. With her.

And just then, there it was. The guilt. The pathetic guilt for breaking her heart. Spilling tears from those vibrant brown eyes. Making this beautiful girl cry.

Guilt of being with Veronica. Guilt of not being with Asmi,

I blinked at the thought and reality and realization washed over me.

I enjoyed being with Asmi. I always had. Since the first time we met. We fought back then, but still I enjoyed teasing her. She gives me happiness. Not Veronica. I never felt that way with her. And right now with my acts, I was ruining not just one but three lives at once.

Suddenly my heart felt heavy and I let go of Asmi but her glowing face with happiness made me smile back. "Congratulations Asmi. I am so proud of you." For a moment there I saw her smile fade away slowly that made me almost frown but when she nodded with a small curve on her lips I sighed in relief.

Future Ex-Fiancée ||Virat Kohli AU Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now