The Fear

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If you are planning to just sit back and enjoy your wedding then, FORGET IT!

Even though mumma and mummyji did half of the shopping and the wedding planners were also quite helpful, I was still damn busy with the meetings with designers, the fittings and everything. And top it off there was another problem, virat was in Adelaide for The Australia Series.

I was having really awesome wedding planners organising this wedding still I was freaked out as hell. With all the shoppings, deciding a dress for every ritual. Finalizing the guest list. It has been such pain in my ass.

However, I managed my last few days of office before the leave starts. Virat wasn't with me, I missed him so badly. But I didn't bother him much, he was already stressed with the series, wedding and the paparazzi.

Ugh! They were just everywhere.

"Asmi, we will be leaving in evening. Make sure you bring all your stuff, I've already packed it." Mumma spoke out entering my room holding a few jewellery boxes. I nodded to her and smiled.

"My pillu is getting married, I'm over the moon." She squealed squeezing me into a tight hug. My cousin anku was laughing standing at the door.

"Ahem." It was my papa cleared his throat entering my room with a faint smile on his face.

"I need to speak to manu." He used my nick name, I was instantly relived knowing that everything was fine. Once the room was clear papa sat beside me on the bed.

"Manu, I am sorry for being the worst father ever." He suddenly said making me turn towards him.

"What are you talking about?"

"My temper had always ruined happiness of this home. I know you never liked it. No one did. You hated me for that. The way I behaved with you and your mother-"

"I never hated you dad, I j-just wanted you to give mumma what she deserved. She needed, love, respect, specially from you. She never asked you for anything. She was on your side. I wanted you to give her importance in your life, that's it." I said looking down.

"I may have never shown it but shaila always held a important place in my life." I nodded and smiled.

"It feels nice to hear that." I told him.

"You are just like my mother, scolding me indirectly." I chuckled at his words while he laughed and patted my head lovingly.

"Virat was the one who made me realize this." I knew virat's antics in front of my parents made papa realize a few things but papa's next words caught me off guard. "He spoke to me that, you were insure about the concept of wedding because of this. I am sorry manu for making you feel that way. Marriage is a beautiful bond between two people and their families. Virat is a good fella. He already have became my son. He will keep you happy manu." With that he kissed head and got up leaving my room.


That made him stop.

"My dad is the best. He have done everything he could do for me and for this family. So don't you dare say anything bad about him." I told him with a serious expression plastered on my face. He nodded a little stunned by my words. Stepping forward I hugged my father.

"Thank you manu. You are getting married in few days but for me you still will be my little baby. I still remember you holding your tiny self in my arms." I smiled silently, an alien feeling of leaving my parents washed on my heart giving it a undescribable pain leaving me in sobs. Papa consoled me and left my room making me sit in my peaceful solace for a while.

Future Ex-Fiancée ||Virat Kohli AU Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now