The Match

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"Will you come to see the match tomorrow?" Virat asked while he was laying on the bed beside in a peaceful silence.

I looked onto my side just to meet his impatient gaze on me and just then I remembered it was office day tomorrow. Once I murmured the same, his face fell. "I can attend the sunday match." I trailed off, I really wanted to watch the one dare between india and england. His eyes shown and he blinked, "okay." Virat spoke but something told it wasn't it, he had more to say, "on sunday evening we have a small musical night. You know, just chilling. Will you come? I really want you to meet team." My brows rose at it, "there will be ro's wife, ritz and jinx's wife radhika. You won't feel left out I promise. I will be there with you the whole time." Virat rambled on and on.

I sighed and cupped his mouth when he didn't seem to stop.

"Virat, -"

His hand found mine and he removed it from his mouth.

"Its okay if you don't want to come."

"I'll be there." I blurt at the same time virat rambled little more.

Suddenly he went silent when he took in my words, "what, did you just say you will come?"

I gave him a lopsided grin,"yes." His chocolate brown eyes widen and he plopped on one side resting his head on the elbow.

"Yeah?" I rolled my eyes and gave him a clear cut yes just to make him engulf me in a tight hug.

It was so tight that he rolled me above his chest and I could hear his fasten heartbeats and his laughs of happiness vibrating against my ears. It was been a while I was being hugged like this, as if all the exhaustion vanished between his strong arms. My body worked on his own and I wrapped my hands onto his sides in an attempt to hug him back.

"I like this." I blurt my heart out and heard virat's chuckle bringing warmth within me.

"And I love you." I was getting kind of used to virat saying those words but now it felt as if he meant those too. I hummed and felt his touch underneath my chin. I looked up and saw his eyes staring down at me, "I really do." Just to prove him that I know and went ahead and kissed him on his cheek.

His thumb went on my love lip and pressed it a little, my breaths went audible when virat leaned in. "Asmi." I shivered at the intensity in his voice, it was so deep. "I really want to kiss you." He whispered nearing my mouth; his eyes gazed into mine. He blinked, sighing he rose and kissed my cheek instead.


I kept staring at the lilies once virat left; I knew he wanted to stay a little longer but the jetlag had kicked in and he seem quite exhausted. I made him leave to take some proper rest. The soft petals of the flower seem heavenly so I picked one from bunch which I placed in a large glass of water and slid the petals of the flower onto my cheek.

"You are making me fall. Again." I whispered wishing virat would know but then I shook my head. Laughing at my silliness I placed back the flower and went inside my room to sleep.


It was going to be a long week.

After few days,

Virat ~

I was full on excited for the match; asmi was going to come at the oval. The team was already on a winning strike with two in a row win. But thoughts of this girl was distracting me. And that made me text her about our plans.

How about dinner after the match?

I waited patiently until those three dots bounced knowing asmi was replying.

Future Ex-Fiancée ||Virat Kohli AU Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now