Chapter 71

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Blues POV

I knocked on the door. I sighed and relaxed, tried too. Kevin stood behind me while Uncle Taylor stayed in the car. A woman opened the door and she must of noticed our resemblance because she tried to shut the door in my face, I stopped her. "PLEASE! LISTEN TO ME! PLEASE, JUST TELL WHATS GOING ON, SAMANTHA!!" I spat in plea. "WE'RE FAMILY!" I yelled, her force on the door subsided and she sighed. "Does he know you're here?" She whispered. "I'll be gone before he gets here. I just want need answers. I wanna know what you know. Okay?" She looked at Kevin. "Whose the boy?"

"This is Kevin... My brother." I smiled and he seemed uncomfortable with me calling him that. "Well not biologically but--" Sam shut me up and opened the door for me. "Shut up and come inside... I don't want Ricardo seeing you." She whispered, letting us in. The maid brought in some tea as we all sat. "What do you want to know?" She asked, I slurped and sighed. "Tell me everything.."

Samantha told me she hated Dad; just as much as I did. Her mother was a ruthless woman who loved her, raised her and then left but by then she was in the university of NYU and returned to Russia to live, where no one would find her and Dad wouldn't contact her. "How was NYU?! Was it as great as I imagine?! I got a scholarship there, Ya know! To play softball. I got in a really bad car wreck and damaged my spine so--"

"BLUE!" Kevin spat. "Sorry..." I bit my lip. "How was Brandon to you?" Kevin asked. "He was like any father... Except he tried to murder me. The guys crazy! I love him but I forgave him... I did." She spit like acid. "He hurt me too and my mom." I cried. "Callie Jacob? I read about them... In the news, years ago!" She laughed. "How'd you free yourself? How'd you forgive?" I cried, my head in my hands as I weeped loudly to the agony of resenting my father so badly.

"I erased all the bad stuff he did to me and my mom and I remembered all the happy stuff he did... All the good times. All the wonderful times." She smiled, grabbing my hand in comfort. Her grasp was warm and loyal. "Do you know about Lily?" Sam asked. "About her doubtful attempt to rue us all? Yeah..." I smirked faintly. "You haven't heard? The boys haven't told you?" Sam scooted her chair closer to mine.

"What? Told me what?" Kevins eyes squinted in concentration. "She's built an army.. Your home in San Diego is not safe.. Lily is gonna kill your mom and then she's going kill mine. You have to help me stop her!" Sam yelled. "Wha-- Why are you telling me this NOW?!" I yelled. "Because I knew you would come. I knew you wanted answers and I know my sister..." I squeezed her hand in admiration and I hugged her tightly to me as we stood from the chairs.

"We gotta go!" I looked Kevin in hurry and fear. "I'll go with you! It'll be nice to see America again!" She chuckled and we ran out the house. A gun was pointing at us at the door. "Do you know about this?! Do you know what Lily is planning to do, you foul monster!!!!" I stomped on him as he fell back and I punched in his chest. Taylor ran out the car and picked me up off Dad.

"What the hell are you talking about, Blue?!?!" He spat. "LILY!! She's gonna kill mom! She's completed her rebellion!" I screamed at him in anger. Dad looked at me and then at Sam. Then back at me. "Both my girls.... I've tooken advantage of you both. I never realized how God has blessed me." He began to tear up. "WE CAN SAVE THE BEAUTIFUL FAMILY REUNION FOR LATER, OKAYYYY?!?!" Kevin pushed Dad out the way and we headed home with Sam by my side.

I never knew I had a sister... But I was glad I knew now and I was so blessed to have her in my life; Now and Forever. She took my hand as Taylor drove to the airport of Russia, she squeezed it tightly and I looked at her, giving her a look of love and sisterly admiration that could never be taken away from neither of us.

A/N: Do you think Sam and Blue could grow on eachother?? (: 2 CHAPTERS LEFT!!!

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