Chapter 41

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I let all the guys get out of the house, I told them I needed to get some private business done, everyone knew about Shield and slowly processing and grieving. They left and 20 minutes later, Sierra showed up at the door with some wine. "Hey," I let her in. She was wearing some jeans, an unbuttoned flannel with her hair tied back. Her long, ugly scar made her left eye squint a little. The long battle scar went down to her neck.

I poured her a cup of wine and she drunk, I cupped her face and kissed her softly. Kissed her twice and three times. We fell onto the couch and made out feverishly as I pulled her clothes off her body as my erection grew. "Oh god," Sierra moaned.

I pulled her by the waist and sucked her skin as she took my clothes off and unbuckled my belt, making me growl at her in pleasure. I bit her skin as she bit mine, giving me hickeys and leaving lipstick stains all over my neck and face. "Baby, oh baby.." I moaned as her lips resurfaced and surfaced against my skin, making me wanna just take her. Callie was nothing like this... Oh Jesus.

I fucked her. Simply started and ended. Just like that. We laid on the floor, by the fire place, the heat of the fire making us sweat as she had her breast pressed against my manly chest, her lips touched me, her lips loved me. Her lips spoke to me. Her lips made love to me yet I didn't make love to her. My finger traced her long, jagged, deep, bruised scar across her face and left eye, down to her neck.

It was hideous but the color of her brown eyes that reminded me so much of her, the brown eyes that made me fall in love with HER. Not Callie. HER and her alone. "Let me stay with you, Brandon. Please. You always make me leave after sex but just let me stay, I feel relaxed. For the first time in 2 months, I don't wanna chop someone's head off."

We chuckled. "I'd like that. Stay. Please stay with me, Sierra." I pleaded, pressing my arms and tightening my grip around her naked waist. "I'll stay.. I promise." She smiled and I kissed her straight brown hair, smelling it, it smelt like her. The old her. The one I fell in love with.


"So what did you wanna talk about?" She wore one of my big shirts, making tea. "Uhm-- Shield's son. He's staying with my family." I told her. "Wait... Kevin? Kevin Diaz? What the hell is he doing there? I killed his mother months ago!" She exclaimed angrily. I shook my head, "I don't know. I have no idea." Sierra handed me the cup of tea and I slurped it annoyingly, she slapped my chest playfully, laughing at me.

"You have to kill that boy once you get home, Brandon. You can not let him speak of it!" She spat. I nodded. "Yeah, don't worry. I'll get him taken care of, baby." I assured her, she put her cup of tea down and wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing my lips.

"Do you love me?" He asked. I gulped and looked down at the floor. Her arms relaxed against my hold. "I shouldn't of asked--" I kissed her, cupping her face into my hand and my other hand, cupping her naked breast under my big shirt. "I care about you, yes. You were-- You are a very very very evil but majestic part of my life and I do love you." I said, it was true. I did love her but there was a limit with my love for Sierra and my love for Callie. A limit Sierra could never pass. "I'm serious though, kill that boy, B." She demanded.

"I can't yet, I can't leave Blue here." I said. Sierra laughed. "Of course not know, baby boy. I mean when your daughter gets better and you go back home. Unless--" Sierra slid her bare feet across the wooden floor and I kept my eyes on her. "--You find a way to get Callie to come to Barcelona now that Shield is dead.. Make her come back with the boy. You'll sneak away with me and we'll slaughter the boy together!" She exclaimed happily. "Like old times, B." She kissed me and I let her.

Sierra saw my doubtful look, that look of resentment. "Brandon, we can't let this boy tell Callie the truth. We can't let him speak of it! We can't let him ruin your life because if this boy decides to blab to her about what really happened... Callie will not hesitate to keep your daughter away this time." Sierra rasped in my face. "Blue is a big girl, Callie won't do that--" she stopped me.

"Oh! She won't?! The same way she made her not date or even barely leave the house for 19 years? Open your eyes, baby! She will.. The same way Lily did to me. She thought I was holding you back and she tried to murder me for the sake of thinking that I was evil.." She said. "That I was making you weak as an individual and look how wrong Lily was! Look how powerful you are! You have the power to do anything you want. We can't let this fucking asshole tell Callie anything because I assure you--" She exhaled and pulled away from me.

"--You will never see your daughter again." She convinced and for all the right reasons. "Okay. Thank you, baby." She poured us both a cup of wine and we drunk, she took my big shirt off, exposing her nude body to me once again. "Oh yeah... This will do." I kissed her body, making her mine again. "I love you, Sierra." I spoke. I spoke the truth, I let those uncanny word release from my mouth and oh god, how true they were to me. To her. To God. "I love you too." She whispered, pulling my hair and kissing me again.

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