Chapter 12

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It was a rainy night in London. The night was empty, the night was hallow and silent. I put the gun at the waistline of my pants and I turned to see Shield with a bag, "You don't know what your gonna see man, you prepared?" He asked me, I nodded and toughened up my face and walked out the door with the guys. The dramatic music played in my head as we rode the elevator down to the lobby and the car. Mat looked at me as we got in the car, "How's Callie back home?" I shook my head. "This is business, alright. No talking about personal life on the job." I told him.

He kept silent and Taylor drove.

We got to the threating alley, with meowing cats and a bunch of menacing gang members. "Nice to finally meet you guys..." A man told us, we kept our guard up. "We came because you asked us too! What's the deal?!" Mat screamed. "We have a guest here that wants to meet you...." The large man wearing black told me. The men seperated and a girl showed up, she took a step forward and revealed herself. "Long time no see, boys." My mouth hung open and I was in completely shock, I took my gun out and wanted to shoot at her. "NOOOOOOOO!!!! YOU'RE DEAD!" I screamed, Mat shot at her and the large men protected her by shooting back, we took cover.

"DONT MESS WITH ME BOYS! I'VE GOT REFORCES AND PEOPLE, DONT FUCK WITH ME!" She spat loudly, in the empty alley as her voice echoed. "You're dead! Theres no way this is happening!" I spat. "Well it is... Now you know, I'm not dead.. I'm very much alive and I'm ready to kill you all." She threatened. She had a long, deep, jagged scar running down from her hairline to her neck, running across her left eye, making it squint.

"How? But-- You were my everything! How could you do this to me?! I thought you were dead, Sierra!" I screamed, I tried not to cry. "Shit happens... People change. I've changed. And I've also heard you have a wife, aye? And a daughter... Ricardo has told me so much about her." I gritted my teeth and the boys left this to me.

It was just me and her. "Don't you play jokes with me, Sierra! I loved you so much! I thought Lily killed you! What the hell!" I screamed. "She thought she did too but I wasn't. And this time I'm gonna make sure you and your family and your precious guys suffer for all the shit you've caused me!" She began to cry in anger. "I TREATED YOU LIKE A FUCKING PRINCESS, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" She grabbed a gun way to fast for me to see and she shot me, I fell to the floor as the sudden pain shot up my body from my hip.

The boys stepped forward with their guns to stop her and shoot but Sierra held up her gun and warned them to stay back. "STAY BACK! THIS IS BETWEEN ME AND HIM... I'VE WAITED SO LONG FOR THIS MOMENT AND IM NOT TURNING IT DOWN!" She approached me as I bled on the hard, dark concrete. The full dark blue sky was my view until I could only see Sierra's face.. I now understood what Callie was talking about; She looked just like her. "Sierra, you know that I loved you... You were my everything. How could you do this to me?" I cried, the blood pouring out of me violently. "You're an idiot... I'm surprised that Callie girl hasn't fucked you over... She must be really in love with you. Poor girl, doesn't know what she's getting herself too." She laughed at me and she kicked my face.

Her men kept the boys at bay while Sierra punched and my kicked my face. "URGH! ARGH!" I groaned. "STOP! STOP IT, LET HIM GO!" Taylor screamed as I bled on the ground. She stopped at Taylor's request and kicked me one last time and stepped back from me. "Make it count, buddy boy... I'm not going anywhere." She smirked at me and disappeared into the darkness... Mat and Shield picked me up from the ground and they looked at me. I shrugged them off and stood, looking at the empty space where she was standing. My eyes wide opened and my body shot and bruised. "She's alive--She's... Oh my god. She's alive." I whispered at them.

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