Chapter 56

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Eric didn't want to explain anything. In his heart, he knew what happened. He dropped me off and I stormed into the house, still angry. Still sad. Still feeling betrayed. "Hey baby!" Mom came out from the kitchen, I hugged her tightly and cried loudly. She ran her hands through my hair and hugged me back motherly. "Hey... What happened? Did Eric do something?" I weeped and cried to her in console. "No.. I'm just happy." I lied ruthfully. I cried some more and a sudden figure entered the house, "Hey Mat." Mom said hi to him and Hunter who was 11. He ran around the house and Mom kept holding me as I cried loudly that it echoed.

I let her go and she wiped my tears away, I sniffled and kissed her face. "Blue? Baby, what's wrong?" I spoke with my nose all stuffed with mucus. "I'm just so happy, Mom. I'm so happy." I lied. I ruffled Hunters hair and smiled, Mat and Mom looked at eachother oddly and Hunter followed me upstairs. "Hey! Hey, Blue! Did you get the new Smash Brothers video game?! It's awesome!" He spat excitedly. "Really?" I tried to be nice but my mind was elsewhere. "Totally! You can play with Mario and like Zelda, basic gamer." He complimented.

I smiled and kissed his cheek. "I have to take a shower but we can talk later, okay?" He nodded and left me alone as I entered my room. I remembered I had a brother I could speak with, I barged out of my room and knocked on his door. His music was banging from his tall stereo system. He opened the door and he saw the sadness, Kevin turned his music off. "What happened? Did Eric hurt you?" I began crying again and I engulfed myself in his arms as he brought me in his room.

He didn't let me stop crying, he just comfort me and was there for me. Like any brother should be. After I stopped he let me speak, "I walked in on my dad--" I cried. "What do you mean?" He asked me, patting my hand. "My dad was fucking Eric's mom! I walked in on them!" Kevin made an O shape with his mouth and his boggled out. "What'd he do?" H asked me. "He wanted me to listen to him, bullshit...." Kevin hugged me and grabbed my hand, I wasn't scared of him. I felt safe with him. "Don't worry, I got you.. You're safe with me."

I smiled and kissed his cheek, and he turned to look down at me as he was taller than me. "You shouldn't kiss my cheek." He warned. "What does that matter?" I laughed, his arm was still around me and I was snuggled up to his chest and my head was looking up at him. "Because a kiss on the cheek just makes me wanna do this..." He grabbed my head and kissed my lips, softly, romantically and passionate. "Oh god... I've been wanting one of those kisses all night." I whispered. "Eric doesn't kiss you?" He asked me as we stopped. I sat up. "He does just not like you... Never like you." I admired him sensually and kissed his lips againc wiping my tears away, leaving his room. The music in the room starting playing loudly again.

I walked down the stairs when I saw Uncle Mat and Dad talking privately at the door, I knew what it was about. I stood still and Uncle Mat saw me, Dad saw me too and he turned to look at me. Dad moved but Uncle Mat let me slowly go back upstairs and he followed. "Blue! I think we need to talk." He told me, "There isn't anything to talk about, Uncle Mat." I entered my room and he came in with me. "Yes there is, Blue-- He didn't mean for you to see that." He said.

I laughed at him. This was so funny. "So what you're saying is what he was doing is right? That cheating on my mother, AGAIN, Is okay?!" He shook his hands in front of himself to signal my misunderstanding. "No. It's wrong, it's an awful thing and your mother deserves so much better but he can change. He's promised me he'd stop. Give him a chance, Blue. He's going to stop. We all sin. We all do wrong things.." He told me. I looked down at my feet and wiped the tears away. "I--I have to go talk to him. He needs to clear this all up for me!" I yelled, passing Uncle Mat down the hallway.

"DADDD!!" I yelled. He looked at me, he was cuddling with Mom on the couch and giving her candy kisses on her neck as she giggled and he laughed loudly and whispered stuff into her ear. "We need to talk about uhm... My scholarship. Outside. Now." I demanded, he followed me and I felt the cold breeze of California, he lit a cigarette and he looked done in shame.

"I didn't want you to see all that, Blue. I was wrong and knowing that you have that image in your head, knowing that I can't forgive myself for letting you see that, I will change." He said, he blew the smoke out of his mouth and I giggled. "Tell mom." He shook his head, "No. I won't lose her again.." He said, "You should of thought about that before you slept with your High School Sweetheart, AKA My boyfriends mom!" I yelled. Dad shook his head in desperation and touched my hand. "I want to change, I can change. I love your mother, you know that. I wanna make her happy again, Blue. I wanna be in your life." He cried.

"Lies... You're a liar. You might love my mother but you don't love me!" I yelled. "Especially you!" He screamed, his lip quivered as the tears streamed down in his face. I kept a serious expression on my face as he looked at me. "You say you wanna change? Do it.. Prove it and maybe I'll start forgiving for this awful betrayal you have caused me." I spat.

"I betrayed you?" He asked, I laughed again and hit my face mentally to how stupid I am. "YES! YOU BETRAYED ME! You betrayed me worse than you betrayed Mom! You betrayed me in the worse way you can betray a child!" I screamed. He shook his head, Dad didn't understand where I was going with this. "You left me... You left me living with Mom and never called me or wrote me a letter. The only letter I got from you was the night Mom tried to kill herself. That's all I ever got my from my father! That's all I was worth to you! You abadoned me--!"

I began to cry. "You were worth so much more! I was going through the divorce with your mom, I was going through a lot. I was working and trying to put my life together... I never meant to hurt you, Blue. I love you." He wiped his tears away. "You don't love me. You're a liar and a criminal and people like you don't love anyone." I pouted my lip and entered the house.


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