Chapter 24

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I shot the gun and Mat fell in pain. I shot again and Taylor McCall fell in pain. I only had Jose and Ramon to go, but they were the most lethal and I had to be careful.

My men shot and shot at the house, a blood bath of men all around me as these stupid idiots gathered up a possé to beat me! Ha! Losers. I entered the broken home with my men right behind me... I ducked around the living room and caught my eyes on Jose. I shot and he fired back. "C'mon asshole!" I screamed, I moved swiftly and tackled him to the floor. He punched me with the back of his gun and I fell, "ARGH!" The side of my head bleeding. Jose stood, "You're not so big and tough now are you?!" I laid on the floor looking at him with death eyes.

I spit. "Where's Callie Jacob?!" I spat. "Not here.... That's all I have to tell you, aye? Puta estupida!" He kicked me, I grabbed his leg and he fell, I turned my body around and put the gun to his head. "You don't want to play this game with me!" I screamed. "Maybe I do... I know what you want and if giving you what you want will resolve this stupid issue you have with B, then let's do this..." He played angrily. My eyes twinkled in ecstasy. "It won't... But let's do this.." I pulled him by the shirt up toward me, kissing his lips passionatley and feverishly.. He pulled away from me and I let him go, "Now... I can kill you." I cocked the gun to his head.

"Stop! Let him go!" I looked up from Joses quivering body and saw Ramón. "Kill me, Lily." He demanded. "Why?" I asked. "Because he's my brother... And if you kill me, he'll live. Jose is my bestfriend. He's my family and you never give up on family, you never give up on your brother. Nunca hermano." He picked up Jose from the floor and they hugged tightly. "Aw.... So sweet-" I cocked the gun. "-Now I get to kill you both.." I rasped. "You won't ever win!" An interruption.

Mat Chung came in walking through the door with his hand over the bleeding wound of my gunshot. "You're still alive?!" I spat. "It's not a life dangering injury. You are the one who should die, Lily Foster." He told me. "Don't you say that to me! You have no idea what you're saying!" I screamed, almost in tears. "WHERE THE FUCK IS CALLIE JACOB?!?!" I began to shoot randomly around the house and I yelled loudly as my tears fell to the floor.

"You're a little too late. She's gone. You have lost." I shot the gun in anger, it hit Mat in the other arm and he fell. "ARRRRRRRRGGHHHH!" He screamed. "STOP FUCKING WITH ME!!!!" I screamed at him. Jose and Ramón stood still. "I WOULDNT GIVE YOU EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT, IM NOT STUPID!" He spat. "Of course... Of course, I mean I already killed Lou-" he blinked his eyes in confusion.

"What? You killed Lou?!" He spat angrily. "From top to bottom... Never felt more alive." I said joyfully. I put a knife to his neck, "Now? Where is Callie Jacob?" I threatened. I heard a man at the door, I looked. "Wyatt... Glad you're here. Get all the information you can, tell me where Callie Jacob is because these assholes won't budge!" I punched Mat and he fell toward the floor. "Fucking losers.." I whispered, leaving the house.

Callie's POV

"She told me something about him meeting me here... She told me something about that, that was the last thing I heard her say." I told them all. I looked around the house and didn't see Blue. "Blue?!" I spat loudly. "I'm right here, Mom." I smiled and ran to her, she hugged me tightly.

"I can't lose you, okay? Don't leave me..." I pleaded. I felt her warmth and life within our mother/daughter moment. "I love you momma... I could never leave you without saying goodbye." I smiled and patted her hair. "I love you... Don't ever forget that, I love you. I love you. I love you, my baby Blue." She pulled away and looked at me weirdly.

"Mom! I'm not your baby anymore." She chuckled. "Always has been." I said, "Always will be.." She told me, kissing my cheek. We sat in the house, watching tv. Playing video games, waiting for news, a call, a text. Anything. A knock at the door and it must be someone important if the cops, security, cops, helicopter and guard dogs let him on the premises. Cyrus opened it and there was a somewhat small corridor that led to the living room so the agony was killing us all. A man walked through with Cyrus and I smiled.

I ran to him and he was in great pain but I could never just not hug him. "You're okay! Thank god you're okay." He kissed my forehead in a cute way. Blue hugged me and we reunited as a somewhat dysfunctional family. "Dad-" she cried. He grabbed her head and looked in her eyes. "Oh my baby Blue." He cooned and felt the warmth between them two as they hugged.

"How are you here, boss?" David asked. "I had to come, I'll get medical treatment later but I needed to know you were safe. I needed to know that both of you were safe." He squeezed my hand and I laid my head against his chest in comfort. "Now what?" Tony asked, Brandon checked his watch. "Lily should be here in a couple hours if she's already found our location so in the meantime... Sleep."

Everyone got in a room and slept soundly. I slept on the couch with Blue's head on my lap, cuddled up to a blanket and her feet hanging at the end of the couch. Brandon made tea as were the only ones awake. "Thanks," I grabbed the cup. "Callie, all I ever wanted is for you too be happy. With me or Shield. Be happy." He told you. "I made my mistakes as well and I shouldn't only give you shit for it. I should give myself shit for it too-"

"I cheated... I'm the one who defyed you. I'm the one who hurt you and you deserve so much better than me and Shield deserves you... He's a great guy." He smiled and I heard the fakeness in his voice. "One day it'll work out for us. One day we'll start over and we can be a family again..." I told him. "She would really enjoy that." Over the course of the years, I learned that I did love Brandon. Blue loved Brandon. Who didn't love Brandon? He was looking at me and I touched the hair on the back of his neck and it tickled him slightly.

He looked at my lips and his face turned serious. I licked my lips sensually we both leaned in to kiss, his hot breathe against me as we kissed softly. I pulled away but didn't want too... "I'm sorry.." He told me. "Don't be, it's just I've missed you. You know that." He smirked his odd but adorable smirk, showing his teeth. "I have travelled 5 million galaxies and 700 million more universes to be back with you, in love, together, like it used to be." I shook my head slightly and knew that's what he wanted. "No, Brandon-" He cupped my face. "-I lost you once, I'm not gonna lose you again.." He promised.

I shook my head, not wanting to fall into his crazy antics and ideas that this could happen again... I laid Blues head down on the couch and walked out the door. The guard dogs barked at us and I shushed them. Brandon grabbed me as he closed the door, "I made mistakes back then.. I failed you and my daughter and all my boys and I'm so fucking sorry and I wanted to save you from some of the pain that I went through when I left that night so I wrote you a letter-and and-" I cried with him. "GOD DAMMIT YOU ARE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE AND I WOULD'VE CHOSEN YOU NO MATTER WHAT!" I cried and he grabbed me. He kissed me, he kissed me so hard and I fell into him and he brought me inside.

We tried to be quiet and he laid me against the fireplace.. Blue was sound asleep on the couch so he took off my shirt, kissing my skin and making me feel good. We took the risk in our intimate moment and we made love, quietly and passionatley. Together.

Lily's POV

"-GOD DAMMIT YOU ARE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE AND I WOULDVE CHOSEN YOU MO MATTER WHAT!" I heard Callie Jacob scream to him. They kissed and he led her inside. I put up the window and called Wyatt. "I found them, little bitch thought she could get away from me. Send reinforces. We're finally gonna kill this bitch..."

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