Chapter 58

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Blue's POV

My big game was over. Coach patted me on the shoulder and I smiled, I poured water on me to cool myself off and I ran off the field. Mom was talking with a man, "Hey mom!" I looked over and saw Kevin and Eric talking. Awkward. "Blue, this is Henry Schiller. He is an evaluator for your softball scholarship." She told me sternly. My mother made an O shape and I shook his hand. "Oh my god! Yes, it's so nice to meet you! Sorry, I'm a bit sweaty, the field is hot today." He laughed. "Blue.. Nice to meet you. Will you talk to me for a moment privately?" I laughed nervously and walked with him, Mom walked away in happiness.

"That was a great game but I wanted to talk to you about the accident you had months ago, how is your breathing? Is it affecting your playing? Is it drastic?" He asked as we walked. I looked at the grass, "No.. I've learned to cope with a bullet through my chest and I've learned to breathe carefully and precise while I play. It isn't an issue, sir." He nodded and wrote on his clipboard.
"When I was watching you play, you seem coordinated, your agility is phenomenal. Your an incredible scholar, your high school grades and GPA is brilliant, you have with a 7.4--" I nodded. "--You have A's in all your AP classes and regular classes with extra credit." I nodded. "My mom really pushes me, I'm grateful for her." I smiled to myself and looked at the grass again.

He closed his book and put his clipboard under his arm. He extended his arm to shake my hand and I shook it firmly. "Firm handshake, you must have a tough father that taught a lady like you that!" He exclaimed happily. I looked over and saw Dad sitting down, I smiled. "I did..." I replied. "So?" I put my hands on my hips. "What happens now?" I asked.

"You got it..." He said, I squealed happily. "Oh my god! Thank you! Thank you so much!" He smiled and walked away from me. "MOM! DAD! I GOT IT! I GOT IT!" I screamed. They screamed and hugged me, coming down to the field with me. Eric ran over and twirled me around, kissing me softly and caressing my cheek. "I'm so happy for you!" Mom kissed my cheek cutely. Dad smiled with a grin, "Congratulations, boo boo Blue." He called by my nickname. "Thanks," I smiled to him softly.

I stood face to face with Kevin and things were awkward but things were okay between us. "Got into college?" He pointed to the yellow envelope I had. "Yeah," I smiled. "Everything's gonna be okay?" He whispered to me, my parents and Eric began walking to the car. Me and Kevin were on the field. "I hope so." I said, giggling. "I know it will be because you're funny and beautiful and smart and yo--you deserve to be happy. You deserve to have everything you want." He told me, his eyes melting into mine, I looked at his lips. They looked soft. I wanted to kiss them again, "W--Well we should go! I wanna go home and shower." I picked up my bag of equipment and walked to the car with Kevin by my side. Like it should be

A/N doesn't those words that Kevin told Blue remind you of something? ^^

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