Part Sixty Eight

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Laura's POV

I wake up in Jonathan's arm, my mouth falling into a giddy smile as I remember last night's exciting finish. 

Pass the puck, pass the puck. Come on find a lane boys, we can do this. God, overtime makes my heart pound. I just really wish that- oh my gosh, it's in! It's in! We're going to the Final! We're going, we're going! 

I laugh out loud at the memory and in sheer joy, and Jonathan wakes up, blinkly lazily at me and ruffling his hair up with his hand. "What are you so smiley about this morning?" he says with a grin and a little kiss. "Just remembering last night," I say, cuddling up against his chest, his arms instinctively wrapping around me. "It's going to be great," he says, the excitement in his voice clearly visible. "I hope Brent is alright though." He's more concerned about his teammate than about going on in the game and I give him a little squeeze. "You're an amazing leader, you know that." He smiles weakly at me. "It's more important that Brent is ok, than us just moving on."

I sit up in bed and reach for my phone on the nightstand. "Here I'll check with Q to see what he thinks." I quickly type out a message and hit send. It's only a few seconds before I get a response. "Brent will get to rest for Game One but is expected to be in for Game Two." I show the message to Jonny. "See, he's fine." He breathes out a sight of relief. "Oh good, that was a pretty big hit he took last night. Don't know why the officials didn't call anything on it." He frowns and I ruffle up his hair. "Don't worry about it. You guys won so clearly you're better off in this situation."

I jump out of bed and head to the bathroom to get ready. "Don't be lazy," I yell out at him. "Meh, don't tell me what to do," he says teasingly back and I roll my eyes. 

 I quickly shower and then get dressed, throwing on a loose white tee and some red skinny jeans. I head out to the kitchen, and pop two blueberry bagels into the toaster, one for me and one for Jonathan. While I wait for him, I pour out two glasses of orange juice and make a bowl of fruit, setting it all on our kitchen table overlooking the city. 

Jonathan comes up behind me, his hair still wet and sticking up all over the place. "Looks good," he says and he pulls a chair out for me. "Nice hair," I laugh and try to smooth it down a bit for him. He shakes his head as he sits down. "Good luck with this." We eat our breakfast, talking about the games coming up. I pause mid-bite of my bagel. "Hey, I just realized, we never actually found out who we're playing." I pull out my phone and laugh. "We were just so excited about making it that no one thought to check." 

My notifications quickly alert and I grin up at Jonny. "Ready to beat the Bruins?" He nods, taking a sip of his juice. "They've been good this year, not surprised that we're playing them." "So ready for this though," I say smiling and he grins back. "Can't wait." 

Kayla's POV

Patrick sticks his head around the door, tapping on the door with a little knock. I look up from the magazine I'm flipping through and smile at the sight of his blond curls and blue eyes.

"You want to go for a walk?" he asks. "You mean a waddle?" I laugh, pointing at my huge stomach. "I just want to spend some time with you," he smiles. "It's going to be hectic this week with the Final taking place." He helps me up from the chair and I slip on some comfy shoes. Since it's the first week of June, it's warm and breezy outside, the sun not setting until late in the night. 

We walk out to the lake in the middle of the park near our place, Patrick's hand gently holding mine, his fingers soft against mine. We stop at the bridge and I sit down on the edge, the bricks bumpy underneath me. Patrick looks at me, his blue eyes almost shining at me. "You're beautiful," he tells me and I smile. "Thanks," I tell him. "I really mean it," he says. "I don't tell you as many times as I should." I blush at his words. "I'm so lucky that I found you," I tell him. "Who knew that I would end up with such a superstar?" He gives a little laugh and a shake of his head. "I don't get why people think I'm so great. It's just hockey."

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