Part Fifty Seven

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Brandon’s POV

“Morning,” I whisper to Heidi as I give her a little kiss on her forehead. “Hey,” she says, pulling me down towards her and making our lips meet. “Why are you all dressed so early?” I laugh. “It’s ten o’clock, silly. I went to a public skate to work on some drills.” She laughs, too. “Well come back to bed. No one ever said we had to do anything today.” 

I grin at her. “How about you get up and I’ll take you somewhere.” “Where?” she asks, tilting her head and looking at me. I start backing out of the room. “You’ll only find out if you get up,” I laugh and she flings a pillow at me, cracking up when I do a little dance to avoid getting hit by it. “Fine, fine I’ll get up. But this had better be a good surprise.” I smile as I walk out of the bedroom door. “Oh it will be.” 

She comes out half an hour later and I pass her a plate of breakfast along with a mug of hot cocoa. Her nose wrinkles as she smiles in surprise and she hugs me. “You are the sweetest person ever Brandon.” “I love you,” I murmur in her ear. “Now eat quickly so I can take you to your surprise.” 

We get into the car fifteen minutes later and I take one of my ties and wrap it around her eyes. “What are you doing to me,” she laughs. “You’ll see,” I say, trying to be mysterious and laughing at how funny this probably seems. I turn the key in the ignition and start the car, then turn out of the parking garage and down the road. 

“Are we almost there yet?” Heidi asks, an hour into driving. “Almost,” I say, the country passing us by on the sides of the car. I pull into a driveway and get out of the car, running around to open Heidi’s door and helping her out since she’s still blindfolded. “Hey Matt,” I say, waving at my friend as he walks towards us. “Hey Brandon! What’s up man?” “I brought Heidi for the surprise,” I say, meaning the surprise I’ve been emailing him about, and he nods. “Right this way guys.” 

I give Heidi my arm and we walk down the dirt road to Matt’s barn. “They’re in here,” he says, opening the door and leading us to a corner of the barn. I help Heidi sit down, then kneel to the ground myself. “Hold out your hands,” I tell her and then I place something in them. Her face goes from confusion to happiness as I take off her blindfold and she sees the little golden retriever puppy in her hands. 

“Oh my…” she says as it squirms around. She hugs it to her chest. “Hi there little guy,” she says and it gives her a lick on her nose, making her giggle with delight. “Oh Brandon, this is such a nice surprise.” “You get to pick one out,” I say, smiling at her excitement, and her eyes widen. “Are you serious,” she says. “Yep!” I say and she looks at all the little puppies in front of us. “How on earth am I going to decide.” I smile at her. “Just choose the one you love the most.”

In the end, she ends up picking a little white-blonde puppy, one with the softest ears and the sweetest little tongue that keeps reaching out to give her kisses. Matt gives us a box to bring him home in, but the second we start driving away, he squirms out and onto Heidi’s lap. She laughs. “You just want to get out, don’t you little guy.” In response, he licks her hand and lies down in her lap, a little pile of golden fur, snoozing away in minutes. 

“What are you going to name him?” I ask as I drive. “Hmmm,” she says, thinking out loud. “I like the name Zeus, how about you?” I think it over for a moment and nod. “I like it.” “Hey Zeus little buddy,” Heidi whispers and Zeus picks up his head and stares at her, a little doggy smile on his face. I laugh. “I think he likes it too,” I say and Heidi leans over and gives me a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks Brandon,” she says. “Not just for today, but for everything.” I keep driving but I give her a little smile. “You deserve every last minute of this.” 

Rachel’s POV

I pack my bags slowly, my hands lingering on the bridesmaid’s dress that I wore for my sister’s wedding. I haven’t told her or my mom or even anyone in general about being pregnant. The only person I told is Nick and after I leave today, I’ll probably never see him again. After all, why would someone with a career like Nick’s want to waste times with someone like me, someone whose life is a complete wreck. 

My eyes well up a little as I think of everything collapsing in my life, but I wipe them away quickly. I was the girl who had everything. Popularity, the “perfect” guy, good looks, good grades. It just seems like all that’s collapsing now and when people find out I’m pregnant, I don’t even know where my life will go. 

“I love you Mom,” I tell her, as I give her a hug. Nick waits at the door, since he offered to drive me to the airport. He takes my suitcase and wheels it to the car, putting it in the trunk as I silently get into the front seat. I put a little smile on my face and wave goodbye to my mom as we pull away, but it falls as we drive down the block. The ride to the airport is silent, my emotions quickly unraveling in my stomach the closer we get. 

Nick glances over at me. “You okay Rachel?” I nod. “Just thinking through everything happening right now Nick.” My eyes start watering again as my lip trembles. “I don’t even know what I’m doing with my life.” He pulls up to a parking spot in the airport as I start crying. “I’m sorry I ever bothered you,” I stutter. My hand flies to the door handle. “I’ll just go, don’t worry.” He turns my head toward him, holding it gently in his hands. “Rachel, look at me,” he says, his eyes full of worry. “I’m here for you.” 

He reaches into his pocket. “In fact, I have a ticket to fly to your university with you.” My mouth falls open as he continues. “I can’t stay forever, but for at least a day, I can help you.” I throw my arms around him as I start bawling. “Thank you Nick, thank you. I-I don’t know what I would do without you.” He looks at me, as I pull back away and wipe the tears from my face with the back of my hand. “Don’t worry ok? I’m here for you. I promise Rachel.” 

Andrew’s POV

I throw my luggage into the apartment and scream as I slam the door shut. “How could you fucking do this to me!” I yell, my body crumpling to the ground. I see a picture of us on the wall that Becca left hanging up. I run over and rip it down throwing the frame, glass side down onto the wood floor of the hallway and listening to it shatter, the sound music to my ears. 

Everything that was hers, I fling down to the ground, my anger growing and mixing with the overwhelming sadness I feel. Nothing is ever going to go right for me. It’s like I’m just meant to be this big mess that everyone can make fun of. Andrew Shaw who can never get it together, Andrew Shaw the jokester, Andrew Shaw the baby, never Andrew Shaw who has a happy life. 

My hands are shaking as I pour myself a drink, the burning feeling soothing my throat as I stumble to the bedroom. I peel my clothes off and fall into bed, the cold sheets wrapping around my skin. I feel empty, hollow, like a butterfly coming out of its cocoon and falling to its death because its wings don’t open. My wings are never going to open. Never.  

~ I hope you have your tissues ready, just a fair warning. Also vote which three characters you would like to see in the next chapter, and the ones with the most votes will get parts. You can only vote for three so pick your favorites!  ~ 

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