Part Twenty-Three

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Becca's POV

The first person I see when I wake up is Andrew, holding my hand, his head nodding over and little snores escaping from his mouth. I try to shift in my hospital bed and the pain in my chest tightens. It feels like someone's stabbed me and I let go of his hand, yelping in pain and bending over, out of breath. He wakes up, startled. "Becca, are you ok? Do you want me to call the nurse in?" I sit up slowly, the pain slowly fading along with the bright stars swimming in my vision. "No," I gasp, "I'm fine. It-it just hurt, but I'm ok now." I lie back down, my heart racing and my breath slowly coming back in little gasps.He brushes my hair out of my face and leans down, his brown eyes searching deep into my own. His lips touch mine, a little spark ignited between them. The pain melts away and is replaced only by his sweetness. He pulls away suddenly at the sound of the door opening, but my lips still tingle with the kiss.

"Hi Miss Scott," Dr. Fortez, the surgeon for the operation, says. "I'm glad to see that you're awake. I had these results processed after your surgery and we were successfully able to remove all the cancer and put in implants. You will of course have to take medication and have annual checkups to make sure it does not return, but you should be able to leave the hospital within the next few days." Andrew squeezes my hand and smiles at me when he says this. "You'll notice a tight feeling in your chest over the next week or so and it will hurt to do things like hug others or wear tight clothing, so we recommend you avoid doing such activities." He hands a manila envelope to Andrew. "Here's a prescription for your medication. They'll have it ready at the front desk when you check out. There's also a list of numbers that you can call if you need immediate medical attention or have any questions for our staff. We wish you the best in your recovery, Miss Scott." He leaves the room, and Andrew looks at me. "Do you want me to stay tonight?" I nod. "Please don't leave." He lays his head down next to me, his hand holding mine. "I won't. I promise."

Jonathan's POV

Laura and I ride in the ambulance all the way to the hospital. Heidi lies in the stretcher, her wrists now covered with gauze pads and cloth bandages to keep the pressure. The paramedics told us that we were lucky. We found her just in time and she had lost little enough blood that she hadn't died. Had we gone out for dinner or not gone home right away, Heidi might be dead already. When we get to the hospital, they rush her in through the ER doors, the heavy wood slamming shut as they rush down the hallway.

Laura and I walk over to the waiting room, where she crumples into a chair, crying. "This is all my fault. I brought her here and she was probably unhappy and I could have killed her." She looks at me, her eyes hollow, lost of feeling. All the happy feeling from the practice before is gone. "Jonny, I could have killed one of my best friends." I grab her and hold her tight. "Stop. You didn't kill her. This is not your fault and you know it. Something happened between her and Spencer and it probably triggered this moment." I rub her back, trying to smooth the wrippled sobs that escape from her. Eventually, the lulled motion puts her to sleep, and I sit there in the empty waiting room, Laura asleep in my arms, and waiting to hear the news about Heidi.

A nurse eventually comes out at about nine pm and tells us that they are monitoring Heidi and that she is going to be ok. We're not allowed to see her at the moment though, but they'll call when she can have visitors. I gently shake Laura awake and tell her that we have to go home. She doesn't want to leave Heidi, afraid that she won't see her again, but I manage to convince her that Heidi will be ok. When we go home, she changes into her pajamas and collapses onto the bed crying.

Laura's POV

I wake up in the middle of the night screaming, drenched with sweat and breathing hard. The nightmare was awful. Everyone that I loved was dead. Jonny was gone, Becca was gone, Heidi was gone, my family was gone. Jonny rolls over. "Babe, what's wrong?" I cry harder as he tries to wipe a tear from my stained face. "Everyone was dead." I manage to say between sobs. "All gone. They left me." He wraps his arms around me, blocking out the dark thoughts. "Shhh. No one is dead. You're safe. I promise. You're safe."

~Short chapter, but there'll be more tomorrow! I have a field trip tomorrow and no school on Wednesday and Thursday, so expect more updates to come! Thank you guys for everything! ~

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