Part Twelve

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Becca's POV

I'm dancing with Andrew in the club, his body close against mine, his hands on my hips. The place is packed, but the bouncer at the door recognized me so he let our whole group in. Corey's dancing with Kami and the dj turns up the music, the beat pounding through the air and soaking itself into my skin. As the song ends, Andrew asks "Do you want a drink?" I nod, and he grabs Corey as they head off to find the bar. Kami and I dance together for awhile, before I go to find the guys. 

Andrew's POV

Corey and I find the bar, the music pounding and people everywhere dancing.  I order a Shawzy for Becca and a beer for myself. I wait for Corey to order his drinks, and look around the club. I notice this one girl staring at me and my stomach drops. "Corey don't look now, but we have trouble," I say, poking him. "What?" he asks, confused. "I forgot that Dominique works here," I say, trying to hide my face, as best as I can. "Crazy Dominique who you hooked up with that one time and then she threatened you, that Dominique?" he asks. "Yep," I gulp, sweat already popping up on my forehead. It's going to be a long night avoiding her. I go to get my drinks and I hear clicking heels behind me. When I turn around, Dominique is right behind me. "Hey Shawzer," she says coyly. "Long time, no see." Her bright red long fingernails look like demon claws ready to grab my neck and drag me down to the point of no return. They always did scare me. "Hey, Dominique," I say nervously, already trying to get away. "Why don't you and me go off and have a little fun?" she says, a little smile playing on her lips and her eyes hungry, already undressing me in her mind. "Look Dominique, we were a one time thing and I'm here with someone already, so I think it's best we just split ways for good," I say, trying to be kind but firm. She instantly turns sour. "I never did like you anyway." She flips me the bird and stomps off in a huff. I see Becca coming up to the bar and thank god that she missed Dominique. That girl is scary. Hopefully, she'll just leave me alone now. 

Kami's POV

When Becca leaves, I just keep dancing by myself. They start playing Blurred Lines and I laugh to myself at the ridiculous lyrics. As it gets right to the verse, I hear a drunk voice slur in my ear, "You the hottest bitch in this place." I turn around, expecting to see Corey back from the bar, but it's some skeevy looking guy with dark hair and a shirt that exposes way too much of his chest. He's really muscular and tall and he looks me up and down, giving me chills. I start to walk away, creeped out, but he grabs my arm and says "C'mon, give me a smooch." He leans in for a kiss, his lips wet with saliva and his body reeking of alcohol. I try to shove him but he's too strong. Just as I'm panicking, Corey comes back, holding our drinks. He sees me in the guy's grip and puts the drinks down. "Dude, get off of her," he says, shoving the guy away from me. He turns around. "I don't see your name anywhere on her, buddy," he snarls, treating me like I'm some sort-of object. "She doesn't want to be with scum like you anyway," Corey says, his anger growing.

He and I turn to leave as the guy throws a punch. It hits Corey right in the mouth and draws blood. Corey turns back around and punchs him in the face, aiming for his nose. They start fighting and I can't pull them apart. The crowd in the club starts watching and cheering and then I hear police sirens outside. The police push through the crowd and slap handcuffs on both the skeevy guy and Corey. "You're both under arrest for public intoxication and public disturbances," they tell the guys. I watch as the police take them out to the cars, and drive off. I go to pay for our drinks, and have to push through the crowd, who are already gossiping about what just happened. It takes me thirty minutes just to get to the bartender and to get his attention. I have to get Corey out of trouble, so I fish my keys out of my bag and hop into my black Camaro that is parked outside. Before I leave, I text Becca.

To: Becca

From: Kami

Corey got in trouble, big fight, police called. Going to get him. 

I turn the key in the ignition and drive off. 

Becca's POV

I left Kami to find the guys, and I see them at the bar. When I reach them, Andrew hands me my drink, the Shawzy, named after him. I take a small sip, then place it back on the bar countertop. Corey gets his drink and Kami's, then says he's going to head back to dance with Kami. Andrew and I decide to enjoy our drinks and just talk for a little bit. 

Dominique's POV

I notice Andrew at the bar again, talking with some girl. She looks trashy as hell and who does she think she's fooling with those boots. I smirk. Andrew doesn't know what he's missing out on with me. I may have been a one-night stand for him, but that was probably the best night he ever had. If I can't have him tonight, though, than neither can this girl. Since I work at the club, I have full access to the bar. When Andrew and the girl are turned around, I go behind the bar and open up the little packet of powder that I keep hidden. I pour a little into the girl's drink and give it a little stir. That should do it. I've had some of that stuff put into my drink before and it knocks you out for quite awhile. I quickly leave the bar and head off to find a hot guy to dance with. Good luck to Andrew explaining what's going to happen next. 

Andrew's POV

Becca and I finish our drinks, then decide we're going to go home. As we walk out to her car, I notice her walking crookedly and swaying from side to side. "You okay?" I ask, rushing to steady her. "Yeahhh, uhmmm, I'm fineeee..." she slurs, her eyes closing. She starts to slump, but I catch her and lead her to the car. I place her in the passenger seat, then head over to the driver's seat. 

Becca's POV

My head is pounding and my vision is blurry when Andrew takes me to my car. "Hey Andrew," I say. "Yeah?" he asks. "Why is everything blurry?" I ask. "I think we need to get you some help," he says. Those are the last words I hear before I black out. 

*Corey's in jail, Becca's blacked out, and something has happened to Patrick. What do you think is going to happen in the next chapter?!? Stay tuned to find out!*

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