Part Thirty Eight

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Kayla's POV

Dr. Williams comes back into the room with another doctor. "Dr. Steinman," he says, shaking my hand and then Patrick's. "So what seems to be the problem?" he asks Dr. Williams. "Well, Kayla is having twins, but the screen only shows one baby." Dr. Steinman frowns. "That's strange. You did take a tumble, but that wouldn't cause a baby to just disappear. Let me see the monitor." He slowly rubs it across my belly, examining the screen.

"Look there's two healthy babies right there." He outlines them on the screen. "You can be dismissed," he tells Dr. Williams as she turns red and leaves the room. "My apologies. She's new and hasn't really worked with expectant couples before."

I breathe a sigh of relief at the babies being safe. I don't know what I would have done if I had harmed them. "Now just go easy on that ankle," Dr. Steinman tells me. He puts a brace on it, so that I can still walk, but I put most of my weight on my healthy leg. I thank him for all his help and Patrick pays the bill, then we head home for dinner.

As we get ready for bed that night, Patrick turns to me. "I'm sorry I took you skating today. It was such a bad idea." I shake my head and give him a hug. "Babe, it wasn't your fault. I was the one who slipped. Besides, everyone is healthy and safe, so it's all going to be okay."

He sighs and then gives me a little smile. "I'm just glad everyone's okay. I couldn't have lived with myself if I had harmed you or the twins." I turn off the lights and settle under the covers, giving him a little kiss before closing my hand in his. "I love you," I whisper to him in the dark room. "I love you, too," he whispers back.

Corey's POV

I go back to the hospital early the next morning to check on Kami. She's in a regular hospital room now and they managed to remove all the drugs from her system, so she's listed in stable condition. Even though I know that she's going to be okay, my heart is still pounding as I walk to her room.

She stares at me as I enter the room. "Hi, Kami." "I'm sorry," she whispers, picking at the edge of the hospital blanket that covers her legs, tears beginning to fall down her face. I rush to her and give her a hug. "Shhh, it's okay. You don't have to be sorry about anything. In fact, I should be the one saying sorry for not being there for you. I'm sorry, Kami." I hold her small hands in my big ones, her chipped pink polish standing out against her pale skin.

"I just don't know if I can go on now, Corey," she says, looking up at me, her blue eyes trying to find an anwer in my brown ones. "You can," I tell her. "And I'm going to be the one who helps you go on. I know that it's been hard on you these past weeks with your dad's death, but I know you can make it through this."

"I just feel like everyone else is living perfect lives, and then there's me and it feels like the world is collapsing around me. I mean Kayla and Patrick are having twins, Laura and Jonny are getting married, Becca and Andrew are practically soulmates. I don't even deserve this ring that you gave to me. Why would anyone want to marry a mess like me?" She takes it off her finger and tosses it across the room, the tiny pings echoing as the ring bounces along the ground.

I let go of her hand and go to pick up the ring. "Kami, I gave you this ring because I want to be with you and I can't imagine anyone I would ever want to spend eternity with. I didn't do it because I could. I did it because I wanted to, because you make me smile and make me feel like love is possible for anyone. And you know what, it doesn't matter about anyone else, because we don't know their whole story, what goes on behind closed doors. What matters is us."

I get down on one knee, just like I'm proposing all over again. "Kami Barger, with this ring, do you promise to please let me help you and to let yourself enjoy life and find the happiness that you deserve?" She hesitates, her eyes still searching my face, questioning me. I hold out the ring. "Please." She holds out her hand and I slip it on as she whispers, "I'll try."

Laura's POV

Later that night, Jonny and I play video games. I'm winning in Mario Kart, and I throw my controller onto the couch and jump up and do a victory dance as I beat him for the third time. "Who's the champion now!" I crow as I dance around. He laughs at me, then pulls me back onto the couch with him.

"Thanks for coming on the hospital visit today," he says. "It was no problem," I tell him. "I loved making all those kids so happy. They really look up to you." "And you, too," he says, smiling at me and squeezing my hand. "I mean, didn't you see how amazed that little Avery girl was when she saw you. She wouldn't have even minded if I had been there."

I grin at him and give him a little shove. "You know she was super excited to see you too, you superstar. In fact, every one of those kids was in shock seeing you. You made every single one of their days special."

I think about our last visit with Avery. "You know I've been thinking about Avery ever since we met her and I really want to do something special for her." Jonny nods. "What were you thinking?" I tell him what I have planned and he listens to the whole idea before nodding. "That's a great idea and it'd be really special for her. I'm sure the whole team would be excited about it." I hug him. "Thanks Jonny. You're the best."

~Two questions for my lovely readers tonight! First, what do you think Laura and Jonny have planned for Avery? And the second is where do you think they're going to get married? (HInt: it's somewhere in Chicago) ~

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