Part Twenty-Five

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Andrew's POV

I run to Becca's side, my breath already growing raggedy at the thought of her being dead. I stop and think, what do I do, what do I do, then grab her wrist and check for a pulse. There's still one there and I see her chest now rise and fall very slowly and ever so slightly. I furiously press the button on the side of her bed to call for the doctor or a nurse or in this case anyone. She's not going to die tonight. I'm not going to lose her. 

The doctors come running in and ask me what happened. I tell them that I came in and saw Becca like this, the IV out of her arm and how it seemed like she wasn't breathing. They tell me to wait in the hallway while they examine her. I don't want to leave her, afraid that I won't ever see her again, but I force myself to walk out into the hallway. I slump against the wall as the tears start to fall. They say that hockey players don't cry, that real men don't cry, but I don't care. For once in my life, I found someone I loved. And now she might never know that. Becca, I love you.

I wake up, still slumped in the hallway, a doctor tapping on my shoulder. She doesn't have a smile on her face, so I brace myself for the worst news that I can hear. "Mr. Shaw, Miss Scott has been brought back to conciousness. We believe that she took out the IV which contained pain medication for post-surgery and that the pain caused her to experience severe pain and cause a blackout. She is awake right now if you would like to see her. We have also allowed her to be discharged from the hospital if you both feel ready to do so. Just let us know at the front desk of your decision." I nod and slowly get up from the wall, crossing the hallway and standing in front of the door for a second before  turning the knob and walking in. 

Becca's POV

I wake up to doctor's surrounding me, the IV plugged back into my skin. What happened to my mom? I was ready to join her, to sit in the dark of death and not worry about life or hurting anyone or myself.  I turn away from Andrew as he walks in through the door and towards my bed, burying my face into the pillow and turning away from him. "Andrew, please just go away."

He walks to the other side of the bed, getting down on his knees and trying to hold my hand. I jerk it away from him, careful to avoid eye contact. "Why can't you let me help you?" he asks. I look up, his brown puppy dog eyes begging me to answer him, to say something, anything. "Please, Becca, just tell me. If you don't want me in your life, I'll just leave." I feel the tears start pouring down my cheeks, unable to hold them in anymore. He reaches for my hand again and this time, I let him hold it, the warmth from his palms transferring to mine. "Andrew, I don't want to hurt you. Please. I thought- I thought this would be better for both of us. I would be gone and you could just continue on with your life. I'm sorry that I got you caught in all this."

I can't look at him anymore and I bury my face into the pillow again, taking comfort in the darkness that surrounds my eyes, and blocks out the rest of life. Andrew gently turns my head towards him, pushing the stray hairs that frame my face behind my ear. "Nobody wants you dead. Please don't say that. And I'm here to help you through this, together. In fact, there's only one thing I've wanted to say since the day I met you. And you know what that is? I love you Rebecca Scott."

His lips meet mine as we kiss, my breath taken away from me and a stray tear escaping from my eye and trickling down my face. He pulls away from the kiss and wipes the tear away from my face, before whispering again, "I love you." 

~I'll be uploading three chapters tonight since the Hawks won last night :D This is Becca and Andrew's chapter and the next chapter will be Kami/Corey and Kayla/Patrick, followed by Heidi/Laura/Jonathan. Hope you like it!~

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