Part Fourteen

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Laura's POV

After dinner, Jonny and I drove to my house and he stayed over. I wake up in his arms, the scent of his Ralph Lauren cologne sticking to my skin. Slipping from the covers, I go into my bathroom and shower, then do my hair and some light makeup. I walk into my walk-in closet and chose my Toews t-shirt and black leggings. By the time I'm dressed, Jonny's still asleep. I let him sleep since I know he's tired and there's no game or practice today. I head into the kitchen to make us some breakfast. I make eggs and pancakes, then pour orange juice into some glass cups. As I'm making the bacon, I feel him come up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist. He rests his head on the top of mine and kisses the top of my head. "Hey," he whispers. "Hey," I reply. "I see the smell of bacon woke you up." He laughs. "Typical, right?" I put the food on plates and we sit down to eat. Zamboni runs up to Jonny, jumping up and down on his leg when he smells the food. "Hey little guy," he says, picking Zamboni up and scratching his head. I smile at the two of them. So many little things that Jonny does remind me of how good of a dad he'll be one day. 

When we finish breakfast, he asks me, "So got any plans for today?" I point to my work room, next to my bedroom. "I'm doing some game stuff for tomorrow night's game against the Stars," I say, "but then the rest of the day is free." "Want to go skating?" he says, his eyes lighting up like a little kid. "Sure," I say. "I'm going to go get some stuff from my house, but I'll pick you back up around one okay?" I nod and kiss him goodbye.

When he leaves, I go to my desk, open my laptop, and start on my playbook. Dallas isn't going to be easy to beat tomorrow, especially with Pat still out, but we've been playing strong and really improved on our PP and PK skills. My phone buzzes with a new snapchat from Jonny. "Miss you already," the caption says, along with him making one of his typical derpy face. I laugh then take a selfie, captioning it back with "Miss you too." 

Becca's POV

I wake up, my head pounding and my vision blurry. I rub my eyes, and the room clears a bit. What happened last night? One moment I was talking with Andrew, and then I remembered feeling faint, and now I'm in a random bed in a random house. I look around the room trying to figure out where I am. Based on the pictures and the jersey hanging in the shadow box, I'm at Andrew's apartment. I get up and go to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. I'm almost scream when I see myself. My eye makeup is all over the place, and my hair is all tangled. My shirt has something spilled on it, too. I poke my head back out of the bathroom door, looking around for Andrew. He doesn't seem to be around, so I grab my bag from beside the bed.I lock the bathroom door and turn the shower on, the hot steam filling the room and releasing the tension in my shoulders. I scrub myself clean, then get redressed. My mom always said to carry clean underwear with you since you never know where you'll go, and as I grab the lacy pair from my bag, I couldn't be more grateful for her advice. I also had a pair of leggings in my bag, probably for dance practice or one of my workout classes, so I slip those on, too. I go back into Andrew's room and check his closet for a shirt. I find one with his name on the back and slip it on. It hangs loose on me but I like it. It's just a simple one with the Indian head logo on the front and Andrew's last name and number on the back, but it's super comfy. I towel-dry my hair and reapply a little makeup, then I head out into the rest of the apartment to find Andrew. 

Kayla's POV

I park my car and quickly rush into the hospital. The girl at the front desk looks at me an annoyed expression on her face. She snaps her gum and says, rudely, "Sign in and I need to see your ID." I hand it to her and she makes a visitors badge for me. "Name of the person you're visiting?" she snaps. "Patrick Kane," I say, my heart still beating nervously. Her attitude suddenly changes at the mention of his name. "Oh, so your Patrick's girlfriend," she says, her fake attitude bubbly. "He's in room 88, do you want me to assist you on your way there?" I give her a fake smile back. "No, I think I can manage." She pouts as I walk away. I try not to run all the way to the room, but there's almost this gravitational pull drawing me to him. When I walk into the room, I see him. The tubes that used to be wrapped all around him, are gone and he's sitting up. "Hi Kayla," he says, and I rush to hug him, the sound of his voice causing the tears that have been welling up in my eyes to come tumbling down. 

Kami's POV

Corey's gone when I wake up, but I hear the shower running in the bathroom, so I easily figure out where he is.  I lie back down to savor a few more minutes of sleep on my cushiony bed, but I hear Corey's phone buzz with a text. The screen says Unknown Number and the message underneath: "We need to talk." My heart falls to my feet. Who is unknown number and why do they need to talk? 

~Another short chapter, but I'm trying to upload every day now! Hope you guys like it!~

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