Part Seven

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NOTE: When you get to Kayla's POV when she is in Patrick's hospital room, you have to listen to the chorus from "Say Something" by A Great Big World. 

Kayla's POV

Jonathan didn't say anything after I told him the news. I think he already knew that I didn't feel like talking at the moment and he just sat and held me while I cried. 

Kami's POV 

We finally pull up in the hospital parking lot. Laura shuts off the car and goes to the back of the car where she picks up the sleeping Mady and the diaper bag. As we rush into the hospital, I feel Corey's fingers graze my hand and I reach over and squeeze them, thankful that he is here. We enter through the emergency enterance and I immediately spot Jonathan hugging Kayla. They're sitting in the waiting area and we all run over there. Kayla lifts her tear-stained face up from Jonathan's shoulder when we come over. He scoots over and I drop my bag beside him, reaching out and hugging Kayla with all my strength. We've known each other since we were six and we've always been there to support each other, whether it was through hockey or school or just life. Even though she wasn't making sound, I could feel the sobs racking through her body. I rubbed her back and then reached out and wiped a tear from her eye. "He'll be okay. I promise."

Laura's POV 

I sit down next to Jonny, gently shifting Mady in my arms and making sure she stays asleep. The last thing we need is a screaming baby in the emergency room. Kami goes over to Kayla and hugs her, trying to calm her sobs. She takes Kayla's hand and holds it. Corey is sitting next to Kami and takes her other hand. We sit there and wait for the nurse to call us in. As the arms of the clock make their way around the circle, everyone slowly starts to fall asleep. It's not until two in the morning that the nurse finally comes up to me and asks, "Are you the family of Mr. Kane?" I nod, and gently nudge Jonathan to wake up. He blinks, sleepy-eyed and takes the clipboard the nurse is holding out. Reading the terms, he signs his name with a quick flick of the pen and hands the clipboard back to the nurse. He gently nudges Kayla to wake up, and then Kami and Corey. The nurse tells us "Only three people can come with us at this moment. Mr. Kane is still in critical condition." That sets off Kayla again. I can tell that Jonny really wants to see how Pat is doing but he tells Kami and Corey to go with Kayla. "She needs him right now," he tells them. Together, Kayla, Kami, and Corey follow the nurse and head through the double doors into the ICU as Jonny, Mady, and I sit back down in the waiting room. He takes Mady from my arms and tells me that I can sleep if I want. I lean on his shoulder and close my eyes, breathing in his Burberry cologne and drifting off to sleep. 

Corey's POV

We follow the nurse down the hallway and she opens the door to room 88. We all step inside and the scene inside takes my breath away. The nurse shows us a button to use if we need to call for help or if we notice anything going wrong, then she leaves us alone with Pat. Kayla immediately pulls up a chair next to his hospital bed and takes his hand in hers. Pat looks nothing like what I'm used to seeing. He has a breathing tube on, multiple wires connected to his chest, and a heart monitor gently beeping in the background, keeping a steady pulse. I can't bear to look at Patrick like this, and I turn to Kami and say "Maybe we should let Kayla have some time with him, alone." I think she feels the same way because she has tears in her eyes and she nods. Kami seems to have read our minds too because she turns to us and asks in a whisper, "Guys, could I just have a moment with Patrick?" We give her a hug and leave the room, gently closing the door behind us. As we head back down the hallway to Jonny and Laura, the image of Pat in his bed keeps popping up in my mind. Broken and alone. 

Kayla's POV

I keep holding Patrick's hand as Kami and Corey leave the room. I really appreciate them being here for me, but I just need a moment alone with Pat, a moment where I can cry and no one will know. As I listen to the heart monitor beep, a song fills my head. 

Say something I'm giving up on you 

I'll be the one if you want me to.

Anywhere, I would have followed you.

Say something I'm giving up on you.

And I, I'm feeling so small. It was over my head.

I'm nothing at all. 

And I will stumble and fall, I'm still learning to love

Just starting to crawl

Say something I'm giving up on you

I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you....

I put my head down on Pat's chest and cry myself to sleep to the rhythm of his shallow breaths. 

Jonathan's POV

Laura's asleep, leaning on my shoulder. I have Mady Sharp in my arms, her small stomache rising and falling with each breath. Kami and Corey come back from seeing Pat and I sit up a bit, jostling Laura awake and causing Mady to open her eyes. She takes one look at the surroundings and starts whimpering at the unfamiliar area. I try to rock her as I ask Corey, "Can we see him?" He shakes his head. "She wants to be alone with him right now," he says, referring to Kayla. Mady starts crying, interrupting the quiet atmosphere of the waiting room. I don't really know what to do, but Laura takes her from me. "I think I'll walk around with her," she says. Kami offers to go with her, and Corey jumps up, too. "Get some rest babe," she says, placing a kiss gently on my lips. The peppermint gloss on her lips tingles mine and I tuck a loose piece of hair behind her ear. As they leave the waiting room, I close my eyes and rest.

I'm woken up by a piercing voice and the clip-clop of high heels running towards me. "Jonnnnnny! OHMIGOD!!!" I see a blonde nurse running towards me. Her skimpy uniform is barely covering up the cleavage pouring from her top and her skirt looks like it will rip in two if she bends over. I wonder if she even works here or if it's some crazy hooker who thinks it's Halloween, when I realize who it is. I groan inwardly. It's my crazy ex-girlfriend Lindsey, who I broke up with over two years ago. I guess she became a nurse. Just my luck that she works at the closest hospital. She runs over and plops down on my lap. I look for someone in the waiting room to rescue me, but we're all alone. "I know you missed me, you bad boy," she says in a sultry voice, then she plants her bright red lips on my mouth and starts trying to makeout with me. 

Laura's POV

Corey, Kami, and I walked around the hospital for awhile until Mady went back to sleep. I think she was just disturbed by an unfamiliar setting. We head back to the waiting room, and Corey opens the door for me and Kami, gesturing us to go first. I thank him and step inside, only to see Jonathan making out with a blonde girl on his lap. As Corey walks through the door, he shoves her off, but I've already seen enough. I thrust Mady at Kami, and run out the door, tears already blinding my sight. I hear Jonny yell out, "Laura, wait!" but it's too late. I trusted you Jonny. 

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