Part Fifteen

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Jonathan's POV

I drive home and change out of last night's clothes, then shower and redress, choosing a simply t-shirt and jeans. I don't want to draw a ton of attention at the rink, especially since I just want to spend some time with Laura. I throw on my black jacket, grab my wallet and keys, and head back out to go pick her up. As I'm heading out I grab my Bauer skates from their basket by the door. 

Laura's POV

I look at the clock by my computer. 11:00 am it reads. I've been working for two hours, messing around with the lines and checking the latest stats on the team. With Pat hurt, I've noticed that Smith and Morin, who we brought back up, have really been stepping up and helping the team. I make a mental note to thank them both and to tell them to keep up the good work at the next game. Since it's still early for Jonathan to come back, I decide to practice a little piano. I'm currently working on Rachmaninoff's Prelude in G Minor, and let me tell you, it is not easy. As I play, I try and concentrate on the hard parts, stretching my hands past their limits, settling the disonance between the chords. After what seems like the tenth wrong note, I scream, slam my hands on the keyboard, and throw the music on the ground.

"Hard piece, eh?" I hear behind me and I jump. "Jesus christ, Jonny, don't do that!" He's got a dopey grin on his face. "You really have a short temper you know that?" he says, picking up the music I threw. He puts it back on the piano and points to a section as he sits down next to me. "Try again." he says. I close my eyes, and let my hands settle on the keys. I concentrate on the notes, pretending that they are pucks and that I am shooting them towards an empty net. The melody flows out, following the movement of my hands, and I finish the passage. Jonny claps, "See it wasn't so hard after all." He pauses and runs his hand across the keyboard. "I wish I could play an instrument," he says softly. "Yeah, but you've got a natural talent for hockey," I tell him. He lingers, looking at the piano still. "I just wish I had more than one talent like you," he says. I hug him, "Trust me, you're perfect the way you are." 

Kayla's POV

Patrick and I sit together, our hands entertwined, never letting go. I fill him in on the entire week's events, from his accident to Laura and Jonny's engagement to Shaw and Becca dating and to Corey going to jail. He drinks in all the details, stopping me every now and then to ask questions. A nurse comes in to ask if he is alright, but he shooes her away. I ask how he's feeling, and he says he's dazed and still trying to get his bearings, but seeing me has made him feel so much better. I blush at his words. After awhile, we just sit and watch the sunset view out of his window. Before I know it, the words come rushing out of my mouth, my brain no longer able to control what I've been wanting to say for weeks now. "Patrick, I'm pregnant." 

Patrick's POV

The sight of her makes me feel like I've scored the game winning goal in the Stanley Cup Finals. No, it feels even better than that. The pain in my left leg leaves my body as she takes my hand and we spend the whole day talking and just being with each other. As we're watching the sunset, she turns to me and whispers, "Patrick, I'm pregnant." It catches me off guard and my heart monitor starts beeping faster as my pulse quickens. "Are you serious?" I ask. She nods, and lifts up the bottom part of her flowy shirt. Already, there's a little bump sticking out. "How long have you known," I ask. "Only a month," she replies. "That's why I haven't been drinking lately, or partying that much. I wanted to tell you, but I was waiting for the right moment and then this all happened," she says, gesturing to the hospital bed, "but now you know." She takes a deep breath. "I'm really glad I could tell you. I hope you feel the same way." "Kayla," I say, taking her hand again, "I couldn't be happier." I place our hands on her stomach. "Hey there little buddy. I just wanted to say hi to you. It's your dad, Patrick." I smile at the thought of our baby.

Kami's POV

I don't say anything to Corey as he comes out of the bathroom. I go in and take a shower, then get dressed in a black lace tank and some skinny jeans. I apply a tinted moisturizer, mascara, and some lip gloss, then curl my hair into loose waves. He comes up behind me, placing a kiss on my shoulder. "You look gorgeous," he says. "Thanks," I reply, half-heartedly. He hears the difference in my voice and gives me a concerned look. "Kami, what's wrong?" "Nothing," I say, trying to turn away before I get too emotional. "No, seriously, what's wrong? Did I do something or is this about last night?" I turn back around. "I-I just saw a message on your phone and I just- look if you don't want to be with me tell me, ok, please don't go behind my back with some other girl." He looks confused, then goes to get his phone.

He opens it up and finds the message that I'm talking about. "Shit," he says. "Kami, that message was from Coach Q. He found out about last night and he says I'm not allowed to play." "Really," I ask, my emotions suddenly torn from my feelings and now to pity for Corey. "Oh gosh, Corey, I-I'm so sorry, this is all my fault." I start crying at the thought of him having to sit out a game. He loves hockey so much and not playing a game and dealing with the disappointment of Coach Q is going to be hard for him. "Shhh," he says, stroking my hair. "It's not your fault. I would have protected you no matter what. Besides, it's just one game. You're more important to me than that one game." As he wipes a tear from my face, my own phone buzzes in my back pocket. One new email, it says. I hit the little mail icon and read the message.

From: Quenneville, Joel

To: Barger, Kami

To: Kami,

As a result of Corey's actions from the previous night, we have decided to recall a goalie from Rockford to fill in his spot for a night or two. After seeing the success that you have had in the past months, we would like to offer you the position. If you choose to accept, you will be playing in the Dallas game tomorrow night. Please let us know by 4 pm today, whether or not you accept the position. 


The Hawks Coaching Staff

I look up at Corey, the tears still brimming in my eyes. "Should I try?" I ask, not wanting to hurt his feelings or feel like I am taking his position from him. He nods, "Go ahead. Now's your chance." 

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