Part Sixty Three

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Laura's POV

Jonny comes home as I'm packing my bag to go out. "Hey," he says, giving me a light kiss and wrapping his arms around me. "Ready to go?" "Yep," I say. "Where did you go anyway?" "Helping Shaw get ready to meet his therapist," he says with a nervous laugh. "I'm just worried about him, you know? With all these stunts he's been pulling..." He trails off, running his fingers through his hair. "Honey, don't worry, he'll be fine, okay?" I try comforting him with a little hug, burying my head in his shoulder. "I hope you're right," he says, and I laugh. "You know I always am. Now let's go before we're late!" I grab my bag off the counter and he holds the door open for me, sneaking another little kiss on my cheek as I walk past, making me blush as I head downstairs. 

We drive to the doctor's office and I check in with the front desk, while Jonny parks the car. He comes in and sits with me, holding my hand gently as we wait to be called in. "Toews?" the nurse calls out, and he stands up, leading me with him as we head to a private room. Once we're there, the nurse does some routine checks, then leaves with a smile and saying that the doctor will see us soon. 

Andrew's POV

I'm sitting on the couch flipping through channels when the doorbell rings. I guess it must be that Taylor girl that Jonathan was talking about, the one who is my new therapist. I grimace at the word. I'm not about to talk about feelings with some random chick I just met. I mean, I hardly share them with anyone anyway, let alone random strangers. I take a deep breath and turn the doorknob, swinging the door open so I can see who it is. 

"Hi, are you Andrew Shaw?" she asks me with a smile. My eyes take in everything at once. Her wavy golden-brown hair, her green eyes, perfect figure. "Uhm, uh...yeah," I say lamely, almost forgetting my name for a second. She holds out her hand. "Taylor Hamilton." Her pink fingertips seem to give me a little shock as our hands make contact for a few seconds. "C-come on in," I stutter nervously, shaking my head as she passes into the apartment. Jesus christ, Andrew, get it together. 

She sits down on the couch and I plop down into a chair across from her. "I don't really know how these things work," I admit awkwardly. "I honestly didn't even sign up for this and I really don't like sharing my feelings with anyone." She gives me a smile. "Today is just a getting to know you session, so don't be too worried about it," she says. "I just want to get to know Andrew Shaw." 

She asks me questions about my life and playing hockey and just what I think of myself. I steer clear of anything too personal, not ready to talk about Becca or Nick or any of that. But towards the end of the session, she starts getting closer to the subject. "So why do you think your friends suggested you for therapy?" she asks, her pen poised over her notebook, ready to write down the answer. "Probably because they're dicks," I laugh and she shakes her head mockingly at me. "Andrew..." she says, trying to get me to tell her. "I just-" I start. "A lot has just been going on lately in my life, and I don't really know how to deal with it."

I take a breath. "I don't really want to talk about it right now." She nods and looks at her phone. "Our session today is done anyway, but let's talk about it next time, okay?" I nod, knowing that I probably won't want to, but wanting to make her happy with me for some reason. "Okay." I lead her to the door and she gives me a smile as she leaves. "Bye Andrew." I close the door and lean against it. Don't do it Andrew. You're not falling for another girl now, especially not a therapist. All they do is break your heart, you should know that by now. Don't be stupid. Just don't. 

Jonathan's POV

Doctor Wilson gives us a warm smile and hello as she comes into the room. Laura is lying down on the examining bed and she lifts up her shirt to reveal her little belly as Doctor Wilson prepares the ultrasound equipment. Before she puts the gel on Laura's stomach, I sneak in a little kiss, causing Laura to giggle as I take her hand in mine. Doctor Wilson shakes her head laughingly at me as she places the ultrasound monitor on Laura's stomach and my heart thumps as I wait to hear our baby's heartbeat and for the picture to show up on the screen. 

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