Part Thirty-Three

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Kayla's POV

I dial his number, my eyes not looking at my phone, but instead towards heaven. I listen to the ringing, praying that he somehow picks up. "Hey, this is Patrick. Leave me a message and I'll get back to you!" *Beep* "Patrick," I whisper into the phone, "please come home safe."

As I lean against the front door, willing Patrick to walk through it, my phone bings with a new update on the news story about the crashed car. "Driver confirmed dead in accident tonight. Open your app for more news." I can't breathe, can't think, can't do anything anymore.

I walk over to the kitchen and pick up a steak knife from the kitchen drawer. Maybe this would be better I think, ready to plunge it into my wrist. My hand is shaking as I force myself to edge it closer, but then I remember the two lives in inside of me. I can't do this to them. They deserve to live. I crumple against the kitchen cabinets, crying. 

Becca's POV

I pick up my ice girls bag, throwing in my practice outfit, skates, and a water bottle. I sigh and lean against the bag, worried about what the other girls are going to say. They've probably all heard about why I was gone, how I had surgery because of the breast cancer. Half of them already hate me because I'm dating Andrew or because they like to side with Alysson. Andrew walks by, sipping a juice box and sees me looking upset.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he says, sitting down next to me. "I have practice today. We're working on some sort of dance routine for a game, but I'm just-I'm afraid of what they'll say..." I trail off, looking away from him. "Well," he says, tousling his hair, "Why don't I just come with you? I can't really dance, but at least I'll be a distraction." I give him a little smile. "Really? You'd do that for me?" He looks at me, his brown eyes meeting mine. "I'd do anything for you." 

Kami's POV

I laugh at Corey as he peers above my magazine, making a funny face. "What're you reading?" he asks, flipping it over. "How to get the best hair of your life. Well, that's, uh, exciting." He makes another face and I can't stop laughing at him. "Hey, maybe you should read the article and get the best hair of your life," I say. He laughs, "I'll have you know I have some fabulous hair." He pretends to flip it, making me shriek with even more laughter. I clutch my stomach, my sides hurting from laughing so hard. "Stop, stop, I can't take it anymore." "I'm going to go get some food from the kitchen. you want any?" he asks. I shake my head and go back to reading my magazine. My phone rings and I pick it up from the coffee table.

"Hello?" I ask, a little bit of laughter in my voice. "Kami, it's Mom." "Hi Mom!" I notice the sound of crying and sadness in her voice. "Is everything alright?" "I called because there was a car crash last night and your father was in that car. They rushed him to the hospital but-" she chokes up and I feel like everything's frozen. Please mom, please don't say it. "He didn't make it," she finishes. "He passed away last night." I stare at my phone, unable to think.

"Kami?" I hear my mom's voice ring through the speaker. "No," I say. "No, you're lying," I scream into the phone. "Dad's not dead. He can't be." I hurl the phone at the wall, causing it to fall into pieces on the ground. Corey runs into the room at the sound and sees me just standing there. "What's wrong?" he asks, coming over. I stare blankily ahead as I whisper, "He's not dead. Dad, you're not dead."

Corey reaches out to hug me, and that's when I can't take it anymore. The tears start falling, cold against my skin. Corey pulls me towards him, "Everything will be alright," he says, trying to make me feel better. "No," I whisper, looking into his eyes. "Nothing will ever be right." 

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