Part Thirty Seven

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Heidi's POV

I wake up in my bed and shove my beeping alarm clock, creating silence as it crashes to the ground. I grab my phone and check instagram and snapchat before I get out of bed. I have one new snapchat from Laura, and I open it to see a smiling picture of her and Jonny. "Miss you," it says. It makes me happy and sad at the same time; happy to see my friends but sad to not be in Chicago with them. And seeing Laura and Jonny makes me think of Brandon and I bite my lip to keep from crying.

I miss him so much. Just being able to talk with him made me feel like I had a place in this world, like I belonged. He made me happy and that was something that I hadn't felt in months. Seeing his face when I told him I had to break-up with him hurt me worse than someone stabbing me with a knife. The confusion, the pain, it was all there to see when I left. But I didn't want to hurt him. To make him date me while I'm in Toronto and he's in Chicago. He deserves a girl who can be there for him. 

I fix myself a cup of tea and fill my favorite Hawks mug. After I grab a muffin, I go and sit out on my balcony, looking out as the city wakes up. But I know the real city I want to be in is 520 miles away. And in it is the boy that I love. 

Corey's POV

The ambulance rushed Kami to the hospital, hooking her up to a machine the second they got to our condo. I feel like my heart's been ripped out and twisted up into a mangled piece of flesh. How many times do I have to sit in this emergency room and wait for them to tell me that Kami will be ok? How many times until they come back and tell me she didn't make it, that I'm all alone? I just want to protect her, make sure she's ok. But I can't even do that. How can I keep her safe when I can't even keep her from hurting herself. 

The nurse comes into the waiting room and tells me that I will have to come back tomorrow morning. Kami is in critical condition right now and they cannot allow any visitors. I try to protest, but she stays firm. "Mr. Crawford, I understand what you must be feeling right now, but we are not allowed to let patrons inside the critical care unit."

"No, you don't understand," I spit back. "You don't understand that I've been down this same road before, this same waiting room, waiting to make sure that the girl in there was ok. And I'm not going to lose her tonight, not ever." And with that I walk off, afraid that if I say anything more, I'm just going to collapse on the ground and cry. 

When I get home, Puck greets me at the door, nuzzling against my knees. I lean down against the closed door and put my head in my hands, crying. He nudges me with his nose, looking at me with his chocolate brown eyes. I wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his golden fur, his body warm against my face. "Puck, I don't know what to do anymore. What am I supposed to do?" 

Laura's POV

"Get up." I nudge Jonathan a bit too hard, and he goes rolling off the bed. I start cracking up as he pops back up off the ground. "Nice wake-up call," he mutters, throwing a pillow at me. I catch it and whip it back at him as he tries to crawl back into bed. "Come on, you have to get ready to go to the children's hospital today!" "But I want to sleeeep," he moans. "Fine. But that just means more bacon for me," I say, walking out of the bedroom. Within a couple seconds, he's running past me to the kitchen, on the search for bacon. 

"Hey, there's no bacon here." He pouts at me, crossing his arms. "Sorry, but I had to get you out of bed," I say, going up and hugging him. "I'll make you bacon if you get ready." "Fine." He shuffles off to the bathroom to get ready for our visit. 

I get the pans and ingredients out as he showers. I just moved into Jonny's condo two days ago, but I already know where everything is since I've been here so many times before. My condo sold really fast and I miss it, but Jonny's place is amazing. I can see the entire shoreline of Lake Michigan when I look out the windows and the neighborhood is really beautiful.

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