Part One

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Chapter 1

*Chelsea, Chelsea, I believe* Jonathan Toews was driving back from practice in his black Mercedes  when his phone rang. Glancing down, Jonathan picked up his phone and, recognizing the number, hit receive call. Patrick Sharp's voice quickly filled the car. "Tazer, I need your help!" Patrick said. "What, did you finally cross the pranking line and do something that got you into trouble?" Jonathan smirked. "Haha, very funny," Patrick said, "I need you to babysit Madelyn for me tonight. Abby and I are supposed to celebrate our wedding anniversary and the babysitter just canceled on me." "Really Sharpie, you couldn't find another babysitter...And why am I the first one you called?" "Tazer, who else on the team is responsible enough to watch my kid?" Jonathan sighed. "I was supposed to hang out with Kaner tonight, but I'll do you this favor, just stop pranking me alright?" "Thanks To-es! Come over at 6!" Sharpie hung up,and Jonathan shook his head at the nickname. The things he did for Sharp sometimes. At least he could add babysitter to his list of accomplishments and how hard could it be anyway? His girlfriend Laura and Kane's girlfriend Kayla babysat and they seemed fine with it.

Pulling into his driveway, Jonathan shut off his car and headed into his house. After dropping his keys into the dish by his front door, he grabbed his phone from his pocket and hit 88, his number for Patrick Kane. "What up, buddy?" Ready for tonight?!?" Jonathan could already hear the sugar pumping through Kane's bloodstream. "Yeah, about that, I gotta cancel tonight. Sorry Kaner.." "Aw, come on Jon," Kane groaned. "I was ready to party tonight!" "I told Sharpie that I would babysit for him." Tazer frowned as Patrick's laughter filled his ear. "You, babysit?" Kaner laughed so hard it felt like he had done 1000 Russian lunges. Still frowning, Jonathan snapped "Yeah, whatever. I gotta go man." "Have funnn!" Kane sang and hung up. Looking down at his phone, Jonathan thought "At least I'm not babysitting for him." He headed upstairs to get changed and to prepare for the job ahead of him. Who knew what was in store?

~Sorry this chapter is a bit boring, had to set up the scenario~

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