Part Fifty

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Kami's POV

I roll over in bed and smile at Corey sleeping next to me. Telling him the news last night made me so happy. I brush his hair aside and he opens his eyes, smiling up at me. "Hey babe," he says, giving me a slow kiss. "Morning," I say, smiling at him. He looks at my stomach and even though it's still flat, my hand automatically hovers over it. "I still can't believe what you told me last night," he says, his face full of awe like it was before and I grin even more than I was before.

I take his hand and place it on my bare stomach. "Baby Crawford, say hi to your daddy," he leans down and kisses my stomach, then leads his kisses all the way up my chest until his lips meet mine and he holds them there, his arms wrapped around me, warm and safe. I lean against him. "We should probably get ready for the wedding today," I say smiling. He looks back at me, his brown eyes warm. "I think we can stay here for a little bit more," he says, wrapping his arms around me again and pulling me back onto of him, cozy and warm in our big bed. 

Laura's POV

I open my eyes, the sunlight gently streaming in from the windows and bathing the entire room. It catches my ring and throws sparkles across the room, bringing a smile to my face as I remember what today is: the day that Jonny and I are finally getting married. April 14, 2014. We've rented out an estate and at exactly four pm today, I'll be walking down the aisle towards the love of my life.

He rolls over in his sleep and I gently kiss him, his eyes fluttering open as I take his hand. "It's finally here," I whisper and he kisses me on my forehead in response. "I can't wait," he says softly. "You are going to be the most beautiful bride ever." I blush at his words and his eyes gaze into mine, mesmerizing me. Our lips fall back against each other again, this time longer, sweeter.

"HAPPY WEDDING DAY!" Patrick and Kayla bust into our room. "Jeez Jon, didn't anyone tell you it's rude to makeout with your fiancee when other people are talking to you?" Patrick says, pretending to be offended. I laugh and get out of bed, giving Kayla a hug.

Jonny hits Patrick with a pillow, as he tries dragging him out of bed. "I want to sleep more, Pat." "No can do. We have some partying to do before you get married buddy." I turn around from talking to Kayla and give him a stern look. "Patrick Timothy Kane, don't you dare show up drunk to my wedding or I swear-" He gives me puppy dog eyes. "I promise, Laura." I turn to Kayla. "He better be serious." "Oh, don't worry, he is," she says, laughing. "Now we have to go get you ready, Miss Beautiful!"

I take a quick shower and change into a button down and some jeans, leaving my face free of makeup and throwing my hair up into a ponytail. My dress is in a garment bag in my closet, so I slip in and grab it while Kayla gets the two boxes that have my shoes and veil in them.

I won't see Jonny again until I'm walking down the aisle, so I lay my dress on the couch and run back into the bedroom, leaning against him and giving him a long, passionate kiss. "See you later," I say, giving him a little smile. "See you later," he repeats, smiling back at me. I run back out to Kayla and scoop the garment bag off the couch, then grab my purse and my bag of wedding essentials and head out the door.

Jonathan's POV

Laura and her bridesmaids are getting ready at the estate where the wedding is taking place, so the guys and I are all getting ready at the house. Patrick is of course the first one there and he breaks out the champagne. The rest of the guys show up after he calls them. All of them have showered before they got here, but I of course haven't, so I leave them in the apartment while I go to the bathroom and shower. It won't take long for me to get ready of course, so I slip on a t-shirt and some jeans before heading back out to get some food to eat and talk with the guys.

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