Part Five

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NOTE: I had to edit part of my story from before, so if you were following it before as of March 1, 2014, please go back and read the story. I only made some minor changes, but they will matter later on in the story. Thank you!

Kayla's POV

He didn't even stop. To me, hit and runs were only things in cop shows. It was like I saw everything in slow motion. One second Pat's there and the next thing I know, the car is coming out of nowhere. My legs feel like they're frozen in place and I scream as the event finally registers in my brain, the terror running through my veins. The guy was going at least 50 mph down the block when he hit Patrick. And when he does, he just keeps going, regardless of the fact that he may have taken a life tonight. 

Jonathan's POV

I come outside and see Kayla screaming, bent over something in the middle of the road. Though it's dark out, the street lights light up the block and as my eyes adjust to the area I realize that she's leaning over Pat. My heart starts pounding as I start running towards them. Not today, Pat is not going to die today. Kayla's sobbing when I reach them. She keeps repeating, "He didn't even stop, he didn't even stop." I want to comfort her, but I need to pay attention to Pat first. Laura runs up behind me. "I called the paramedics. They'll be here in three minutes." I tell her to keep an eye out for any cars that may be coming down the block. I take Pat's wrist and feel for a pulse, luckily he has one, and I can feel him breathing very slowly when I put my hand in front of his nostrils. He's got a nasty gash on his head, and though he's breathing, he sounds a bit wheezy. I'm still crouched next to him when the paramedics arrive and take over. They strap him to a stretcher and wheel him into the ambulance. Kayla gets in with them and I go with her, knowing that she needs someone to support her and because I need to watch over Pat. Laura tells me she'll get Corey and Kami who are still inside. The ambulance doors close, and the siren starts wailing as the paramedics slip an oxygen mask over Pat's nose and mouth. Kami's hand closes around Pat's limp one and I put mine on top of hers, squeezing it tight and watching Pat's chest slowly rise up and down. 

Laura's POV

I've never seen Jonathan like this before. He looks calm on the outside, like he normally does, but when I looked into his eyes, I could see the fright pouring out of them. He's shaking when he gets in the ambulance and before they closed the doors, I saw him place his hand over Kayla's and Pat's hands. The driver of the car sped away when he hit Pat and I want to get in a car and follow him, but I need to get Corey, Kami, and Mady so we can go to the hospital. I run back into the house and into the living room, where Corey and Kami are asleep on the couch. I shake Kami, trying to wake her up. "Kami, Corey, get up now!" I tell them. "Whattt," Corey blinks at me, weary-eyed. "Someone was driving down the block and hit Patrick." I say. That's snaps him to attention. "What!" He yells. "Is he ok, where is he?" He jumps up and Kami wakes up, after being disrupted. "What's wrong?" she asks, yawning. "Someone hit Patrick," I repeat to her. She has the same reaction as Corey, and asks me where Jonny and Kayla are. I tell them that they went in the ambulance with Pat and that we have to go to the hospital to see them. They're both ready to run out the door, but I tell them I have to get Mady first. I run upstairs and gently pick her up from her crib. I grab the diaper bag near the door, and fill it with some books, diapers and wipes, and a couple pacifers. I gently pick up Mady from the crib trying not to disrupt her from her sleep. Somehow the ambulance siren and Kayla's screams did not wake her up. Cradling her, I go back downstairs and grab a bottle of milk and some snacks from the fridge, in case she wakes up. Then I go to the front hall and hand Mady to Corey. He puts on her jacket while I get my own and grab the keys to Jonny's car, my purse with my wallet and license and my phone from the table. I take Mady back from Corey and slip on her little Blackhawks pom pom hat to keep her warm and we all head outside. Luckily, there's an extra car seat in Sharpie's garage, so Corey quickly sets it up in the back and I buckle Mady in. When Corey and Kayla are all buckled, I text Jonny "On our way. Please tell me Pat is going to be okay." I start the ignition and we speed off for the hospital, praying that Patrick will be okay. 

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