Part Forty Seven

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Brandon's POV

I can't do this anymore. Kylie is beautiful and such a sweet girl, but my heart just can't be hers. Whenever I'm with her, all I can think about is Heidi. Heidi with her dark hair, those dark eyes that have a million stories behind them, that look that she gave me when I showed her my scars, like we were somehow meant to find each other. 

I stare at myself in the mirror and take a deep breath. I can do this. It'll be ok. I grab my phone from the bed and dial Kylie's number. "Hey Brandon!" "Hi Kylie," my voice is shaky, nervous. "Can we talk? In person?" "Sure. I'm at a dance practice right now, but maybe we can meet at Starbucks in twenty minutes?" "Yeah, I'll see you then." She sounds so bubbly and happy. I'm afraid to ruin her day.

I sit in Starbucks, my fingers tapping nervously around my cup. I got a cup of hot chocolate for Kylie and I hope she gets here soon so it doesn't get cold. I check my phone one more time as she walks through the door, spots me, and sits down in the booth. "Hi Brandon. Oh is this for me? You're so sweet!" She takes a sip of the hot chocolate and smiles sweetly at me. "So, what did you want to talk about?" 

I take a sip of my coffee. "Kylie, you are so sweet and beautiful and so kind to me," I say as she beams at me. "But I don't think it's going to work out between us." Her face falls a little. "Oh," she says quietly, not making eye contact with me anymore. "It's really not you, it's my own fault," I say, babbling nervously, not wanting to hurt her. "I'm sorry."

She gives me a little smile. "It's ok. I guess I'll leave now. See you around the United Center." She picks up her bag and leaves her hot chocolate on the table as she gets up and walks away. I feel bad for breaking things off with her, but I just can't be with someone and think about someone else at the same time. 

I reach into my pocket and pull out the wrinkled note. The one my fingers have traced one hundred times, my eyes read over and over again, willing her to just sprout up from the words on the page.

Dear Brandon,

I think I made a mistake. You were the first person who made me feel safe, who made me feel like someone else understood what happened to me. When I told you that we couldn't be together, I made the biggest mistake in my life. You make me so happy and ever since I went home, I can't stop thinking about what it was like to see you every day and to want to hold your hand just one more time. And now I know that I shouldn't have ever said those words. I hope that you can forgive me for what I said and maybe, just maybe, we can start something again. Because I think I'm in love with you. 


Becca's POV

I zip up the back of my dress, the flowy black fabric covering my heels. I place the delicate diamond necklace around my neck and fix the clasp securely, the single solitaire diamond catching the light and shimmering. "You ready to go?" Andrew says, walking in, his white button down slightly unbuttoned. "One second," I say, putting on my dangly earrings and spritzing some perfume onto my wrists. 

He's standing in front of the closet, trying to pick out a tie when I walk over. I reach across him and pick a simple black one. "Here," I say, slipping it under his shirt collar and tieing it for him. The entire time, his eyes are on me, watching my face as I tie the knot and when I look up at him, his eyes meet mine and they crinkle as he smiles at me. "I can't believe I didn't meet you sooner," he says, before gently kissing me. I grab my clutch before we head out to Jonathan and Laura's rehearsal dinner. 

Andrew drives us to the dinner, music lightly playing in his car, but the two of us silent. "Hey Andrew," I say, quietly. "Yeah?" he says, concentrating on driving. "I think that when I go to India, I'll probably be put into an arranged marriage." He's quiet, only saying a little "Oh." "Is that what you want?" he asks, confused. I shake my head. "It's not about what I want. It's about what my dad wants. You respect your elders and follow their wishes." He shakes his head now. "But it's your life. Don't you get to decide?" "No," I say quietly. "You never do."

He parks the car as we get to the dinner reception and he shuts off the car as he turns to me and takes my hand. "No matter what happens, I'm never going to forget you and how perfect you are. And I promise that no matter what, one day, we're going to be together again and I'll sweep you off your feet and we'll dance until the sun comes up again." He reaches out his pinky and links it with mine. "I promise," he says quietly, his eyes staring into mine. And I believe him.  

Laura's POV

We go through the ceremony and then everyone sits down to dinner. The whole time Jonny and I can't stop smiling and he keeps giving me little kisses. We're both so excited now that the wedding is only two days away. I still can't believe that I'm getting married. When I was little, I used to dream about this day and now it's finally here.

I look over at Jonny as he laughs at something Corey is saying. He's perfect to me and I smile at the thought of becoming his wife. He catches me looking at him and gives me a little smile back. "What are you smiling at?" he laughs. "You," I say smiling back and leaning over to give him a kiss. 

Kayla's POV

There's dancing after the dinner and Patrick and I dance to a couple songs, but then he leads me out to the garden outside of the restaurant. He leads me out to the gazebo and we sit down on the bench. He doesn't say anything, but kisses me slowly, our eyes closed, our lips saying everything that has to be said. He reaches into his pocket as he pulls away. "You know you haven't taken this back from me," he says, holding out his hand. In his palm is the purple ring, the one that he gave me when he promised he would not leave and that he would become a better boyfriend. "Will you take it back?" he asks quietly, his blues eyes meeting mine as he holds it out, closer to me.

I hesitate for a moment and then think of everything that's happened the past few days. I think I can trust him and I hold out my hand. He slips it on slowly and then takes my hand. "I really do promise to keep you safe and make you happy," he says, kissing the top of my hand. "And I really hope that I can be a good dad to the twins." He seems nervous as he looks at me again and I lean closer to him, our lips almost touching again. "I know that you're going to be an amazing dad and I don't think that there's anyone on this earth that I could love more than you," I say, giving him a gentle kiss to make him know that my words are true. 

Kami's POV

I get back into the car after the rehearsal dinner and turn the key in the ignition. "Hey Corey," I say, turning to him. "Can I make a quick stop somewhere before we go home?" "Sure," he says, putting on his seatbelt and leaning back against his seat. I pull out of our parking space and start driving. 

When we get to the cemetery, I park the car in front of the grave and get out, grabbing the bouquet of roses from the trunk and stepping onto the soft grass. My heels start to sink into the ground, but I keep walking until I get to my dad's grave, where I place the flowers down. I sit down next to the grave and Corey comes up behind me and sits down next to me. 

"Hi Daddy," I say, wondering if he can somehow hear me. "I know you're in heaven and I hope you can hear me. I wanted to say happy birthday to you since today would have been your birthday." I can feel the tears building up in my eyes and they start to fall as I blink quickly. Corey puts an arm around me and tries to comfort me. "I really miss you Daddy," I whisper out to the dark night. "I wish you were still here." 

Sorry for not updating for so long everyone! I'm going to try to upload more frequently! Hope you like it!

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