Part Thirty Nine

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Kami's POV

Corey takes me home from the hospital once he signs all the paperwork. I try to pay for the bill myself, but he refuses to let me, instead using his credit card to pay for everything. He's quiet in the car as we drive home. "Corey, I'm really sorry about everything," I whisper. I know what I did was stupid, but it seemed like the only thing to do at the time. "Let's just put this behind us okay?" he says, pulling onto our block. "I'm just relieved that you're alive right now."

When we get into our condo, Puck jumps up and down on me, showering me with doggy kisses. Watching him bounce around makes me smile and I go into the kitchen and give him a treat. "So what do you think we should do for dinner?" I ask Corey. "What don't we go out tonight?" he says. "Pick your favorite place." I think for a bit. "Morton's Steakhouse?" I ask. "Sure," Corey says. "Leave in an hour? I nod, then head off to get ready.

I go into our bedroom and head to my walk-in closet, hearing the water start in the bathroom as Corey gets ready. I pick out a dress and some heels, then pick out my jewelry from my vanity. I grab my makeup bag and curling iron, as well as some hairspray, then head to the guest bedroom to get ready. After setting all my stuff on the bed, I head to the bathroom and turn on the water. As I step in, the hot water presses into my skin and the steam surrounds me in swirls of mist.

As I shower I think about the past few days. I vow to myself to not harm myself. It seemed like the solution at the moment, but as I look back on it, I realize how stupid it was, how stupid I was to think that ending my life was the solution. Corey's right; I don't know how everyone else's life is going, so I really shouldn't judge mine based on theirs. My fingers seem to massage the thought into my head along with my shampoo. Something about the peppermint scent seems to just clear my mind and make me feel better and both my mind and body feel refreshed when I step out of the shower.

I slip into my dress, then put on my heels. I quickly blow dry my hair, then use the curling iron to make soft waves that fall lightly against one another. I'm careful with my makeup, making each lash look perfectly curled, my lips perfectly defined with red lipstick. As a finishing touch, I put on my diamond drop earrings, one of my first gifts from Corey, and slip my engagement ring back on. Corey knocks on the guest bedroom door. "Kami, you ready to go?" I take one last look in the mirror before opening the door.

His jaw drops when he sees me. "You look...stunning." he says. I blush at his words. His eyes take in everything; my long black dress with the lace cap sleeves, the diamond earrings shimmering in the light, the strappy black heels that make clicking noises when I walk on the wood flooring. "You look quite dashing yourself," I tell him. He's wearing a nice black suit with a black tie, and he smells like the Tom Ford cologne I got him for Christmas. It's a one-of-a-kind scent, so only Corey can smell like it and everytime I smell it, my heart skips a little. I grab my clutch off the bed. "Did you feed Puck already?" "Yep, all ready to go," Corey says. After locking up the condo, we head down to the car.

Everything at the restaurant tastes amazing as always. Morton's in one of my favorite places to go because they never fail to impress. "So do you have anything planned over the next few days?" Corey asks me over our shared dessert of chocolate cake. I nod, swallowing a bite of the cake. "Laura is picking out her wedding dress and all the bridesmaids dresses in two days and Jonathan is supposed to tell you when all the guys are getting their tuxes. He said you're supposed to be a groomsman." Corey frowns, "Well he didn't mention it to me." I pat his arm. "I'm sure he meant to, he's just been really busy. I mean, they just got engaged in January and they're getting married in a couple weeks. You gotta cut the guy some slack." Corey nods. "You're right. Jonny's always busy. He'll probably talk to me tomorrow."

After we finish our cake, Corey and I walk outside. It's still a bit light out and I see a park across the way. "Hey Corey, why don't we go for a little walk before heading back to the car?" He takes my hand and we cross the street, entering the park through the green metal gates. As we walk, we just talk about life and everything that's been happening. It's moments like this that I know why I fell in love with Corey. He listens to everything I have to say and he always says the right thing.

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