Part Fifty Five

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Andrew's POV

I get off the plane at the airport, the muggy New Delhi air surrounding me and making me almost instantaneously break out into a sweat. I'm already so nervous, it's not like I need to worry about more things. I get my luggage and step out into the street, trying to hail some sort of cab to take me to my hotel. A kid brushes past me and I jump a bit, my hand shooting out to my luggage and curling around the handle. When I realize it's only a kid, I laugh a bit to myself and tell myself to breath. It's going to all be alright. 

I get dropped off at my hotel, handing the driver some money after he gets my luggage out. After checking in with the front desk, I head up to my room, unlocking it and plopping down on the bed, completely worn out. I didn't tell anyone I was leaving so the team is probably just figuring it out now. Only Coach Q knows that I'm gone and he said to be back as soon as I could. I really didn't think he would let me go but when I told him, he told me to go find Becca. It was like something had happened to him when he was young that he regretted and he didn't want the same thing happening to me. 

That night as I snuggle into the sheets, I listen to the sounds outside. There's this girl singing across from the hotel and it's the prettiest, sweetest sound I've ever heard in my life. When I get up to see who it is, I can't see in the darkness, but something about that voice is familiar and I fall asleep to it echoing in my head. 

Brent's POV

I pull up into the UC parking garage and show the security my pass. He scans it and raises the gate as I drive through. "Excited for tonight?" I ask Joy, and she smiles back. The whole car smells like her perfume and I gently breathe in the sweet smell, making me feel like I'm on cloud nine. We hold hands as I lead her into the UC.

We meet up with Heidi and Brandon near the locker room. I reach into my bag and pull out the envelope, handing them to Joy. "Here's the two tickets for you two," I say, looking at her and Heidi. "Cheer like crazy for us." I lean into Joy and give her a tiny kiss. "I'll be looking for you out there," I whisper to her and she whispers back, "Good luck babe." My lips are still tingling as I follow Brandon into the locker room. 

 Joy's POV

I smile as we enter the arena, the area already booming with people cheering and talking excitedly as they wait for the game to start. Heidi leans over to see the tickets. "Where are we?" I look down at them and grin. "Glass seats right behind the net!" We laugh in our excitement, quickly making our way down to our seats. When we sit down, I notice a Blues fan next to Heidi and I tap her and make a face, causing her to laugh even more. The Blues fan looks over at us and give us a grin. "How you ladies doing?" he says and I laugh and make sure he knows that we're true Hawks fans, not puckbunnies. "GO HAWKS!" I scream out and he rolls his eyes. I'm wearing a Seabrook jersey that Brent is letting me borrow and Heidi has her Saad jersey, so I don't know why he thinks we would even try flirting with him. 

Heidi and I cheer as loudly as we can when we see the boys come out and Brent and Brandon both skate by our side of the glass, shooting pucks at the glass and making us smile at their little antics. Brent gives me a little wink and I can feel my heart beating a little faster just because of it. I say a little prayer that he gets a goal tonight as he and the other players take the ice for the drop of the puck. 

Heidi's POV

We're in the third period as Brandon takes the faceoff. The Blues have tied it, making the score two to two after Oshie rocketed one past Corey. Brandon wins the puck and gets it to the Blues' end of the ice, but the puck doesn't make it to the net before the final horn sounds, signalling overtime. I can feel my stomach twisting and turning. We lost the first two games, then won one. If the Blues win this game, they'll have the advantage over us. We have to win, we just have to. 

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