Part Sixty Seven

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Jonathan's POV

I get the team doctors out on the ice after Brent got hit. The crowd is making a ruckus since we're going to the Stanley Cup Final but all I can think about is my teammate lying out there on the ice, not responding. I skate by and watch as Doctor Michael taps Brent. "Seabs, Seabs, can you hear me?"

He gets no response, so he takes a damp washcloth and starts gently patting Brent. His eyes flutter open, a dazed expression on his face. "Wuhhhh..." he mutters and Doctor Michael tries to keep him on the ice. "Don't move," he says. "We need to make sure nothing is broken." They gently lift Brent up onto a stretcher and carry him off the ice. I can feel my heart pounding, hoping that he's going to be ok. He's the reason we're even going to the Stanley Cup Final. 

The lights dim in the United Center and I skate out to center ice with the rest of the team to receive our trophy for winning the Western Conference Final. I smile with Laura standing next to me, her hand gently grazing my glove. We stand in line and shake hands with the Kings, then raise our sticks to salute the fans who cheer like crazy. The goal horn goes off throughout the arena, sending chills up and down my back. Chelsea Dagger is quick to follow it, with everyone singing along as the team heads back into the locker room. 

Heidi's POV

"You made it!" I yell out as I rush to Brandon and fling my arms around him. He gives me a little kiss on the nose. "Yes, we did." He shrugs out of his equipment, carefully placing it in his locker as I wait. "I'm going to shower, so I'll be right back." I wait patiently for him, my eyes scanning around the locker room at the media surrounding a lot of the guys. I catch Laura's eye as she's being interviewed and she grins at me before going back to the reporter. She's amazing right now, coaching the team and carrying Jonathan's baby. I wonder if Brandon and I will get to experience that one day. I shake my head of the thought. We're not that serious yet and I really shouldn't let my emotions get a hold of me so quickly.

Brandon comes back, his hair neatly combed, his crisp blue shirt tucked into his black slacks. "Ready to go?" he says, tossing his towel into the bin. "Don't you have to talk to the media?" I gesture to the reporters swarming like sharks. He looks around and then turns around to me with a grin. "Nah, let's play hooky today." He takes my hand as I laugh and pulls me through the crowd, slipping out the side door and running with him to his car. He holds my hand the whole way, and when we get to his car, he goes around and opens my door. "Thanks," I say slipping inside and I buckle my seat belt as he goes around to his side.

When we get home, we both get ready for bed. I slip into the bathroom as Brandon is putting away his toothbrush, slipping my arms around his waist and hugging his warm body against mine. "I'm so proud of you, you know," I tell him, sincerely meaning it. "Thanks. I still can't believe we're going to the Final," he says, beaming at me in the mirror. "Not just that though," I say quietly. "For not cutting either. It means a lot that you haven't." He's quiet for a second and then he turns around and hugs me, his strong arms pulling me close. "I haven't because of you," he says. "You're one of the only reasons I haven't."  "I don't want you to," I whisper. "I just want you to feel loved, because you have purpose here. I need you." He kisses the top of my head. "I need you too, Heidi. Don't leave." I look back at him, our eyes connecting. "Don't worry, I don't want to."

Joy's POV 

I rush to the locker room after seeing Brent go down, Kayla and Heidi quickly following me. As I run in, I bump into Jonathan. "Where is he?" I ask, my voice frantic. He points towards a door that I shove open and I see Brent sitting at a table being examined by the team doctor. I rush over to him, having to restrain myself from grabbing him. The doctor leaves, giving me a small smile as I pass him. "Brent," I say and he leans over and hugs me slowly. "It's ok," he tells me as he wipes a little tear from my face. "I was so worried," I whisper. "I saw you go down and you didn't move and I couldn't breathe and-" He stops my babbling by pressing his mouth against mine, his lips gently settling on mine, pillowy and soft. 

"I'm ok," he tells me, holding my face close to his. "Don't worry, I'm not leaving anytime soon." "Promise me, please," I say and he does just that with another kiss, wrapping his hands around my back and pulling me towards him. 

I break away from him as Patrick busts through the door. "Hey Brent are you-" His eyes widen at the sight of us and I laugh. "Hi Patrick." He rolls his eyes. "You guys need a room. We're celebrating out here if you want to join us." He heads back outside and I can see the other guys popping champagne in the locker room. "You probably want to head out there," I laugh to Brent and he pulls me close again. "I think I could stay in here just a little bit longer actually." 

Kami's POV

We get home, our heads bubbling with the chapagne we had in celebration of making it to the Final. Corey picks me up and spins me around, surprising me and causing me to shriek with excitement. "This is amazing," he says, his eyes crinkling as he smiles. "I love your smile," I say. "Haven't seen it in awhile." He cheesily grins at me, like a little kid winning their first game. "I'm going to be smiling even more when I see you out on that ice," he tells me and I laugh, while rolling my eyes. "Yeah right, like they're even going to let me touch the ice now. It's the Crawford show from here on out buddy." 

I start walking back to the bedroom to get ready for bed, but he takes my hand and spins me around. "Hey, hey you know that's not true. You'll get to play." I shake my head. "Corey, you're the stronger goaltender, the one they have more faith in. I've played like ten games this season. And you saw what happened in that game against Seguin. They'd be worried about that again." He shakes his head back at me. "Stop blaming yourself for that. It wasn't your fault and you know that."

I look down at my toes and he gently pushes my head back up, his eyes connecting with mine. "You're a goalie because you're meant to get in there and play. I'm going to make sure you do." "I just...I have a lot of stuff that is my fault," I whisper and he pulls me into a hug. "Stop saying that. Your only fault is that you won't stop saying that. Everything about you is perfect. Here I'll even show you."

He takes out his ipod and plugs it into our speaker sound system, Michael Buble's voice filling the apartment. I laugh as he sings along to the music, dancing around me and taking my hand. He spins me around, the hem of my jersey spinning out a bit. 

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times,

It's you, it's you, you make me sing

You're every word, you're every line

You're everything. 

And I can't believe, that I'm your man

And I get to kiss you baby just because I can

Whatever comes our way, yeah we'll see it through, 

And you know that's what our love can do. 

He gently spins me onto the couch as the song comes to a close. "You're my everything," he tells me as he leans down and seals his words with a kiss. 

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