Part Thirty Six

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Kayla's POV

I let the last piece of hair fall from the curling iron, the blonde waves gently turning away from my face. I spray them with hairspray, holding my breath until the mist has fully settled. While Patrick is in the shower, I do my makeup. My skin beams with that pregnancy glow that everyone talks about and it's so clear that I only have to put on a bit of BB cream. A light champagne on my lids, a quick swipe of mascara and eyeliner, and a little bit of pink gloss get added and I'm done.

Patrick walks up behind me, a towel around his waist. I stand up and hug him, his abs pressing into my thin tank top. "You look beautiful," he whispers before kissing me slowly on the lips. His kisses make their way down my neck, making me breathless. "Patrick," I whisper, light-headed, "We can't do this now." I gently push him away and he goes off to get dressed, but not without gazing at me with his blue puppy dog eyes.

I slip out of my tank top and shorts, exchanging them for a flowy light purple dress. It's just flowy enough to hide my bump. I'm only ten weeks pregnant with the twins, but they're causing the bump to grow quickly and soon I won't be able to hide it. I put on delicate diamond earrings and slip on the ring from Patrick. Then, I put on my favorite silver sparkly heels.

Patrick comes back into the room in his suit. He fumbles around with his bowtie, finally managing to tie a simple, but messy knot. "Here, let me fix it," I say, walking over and gently tying it the correct way. I feel his eyes on me the whole time and when I look up, they meet mine. "You are so unbelievably perfect," he whispers. I blush and he places a kiss lightly on my forehead.

As we head out, Patrick yells up the stairs at his sisters. "Jessica, Jacqueline, Erica! Are you guys ready to go?" "One minute!" Jessica yells back. A moment later, they all come down the staircase, Erica in black, Jessica in deep red, and Jacqueline in navy blue. "You guys are going to take my car, so be extra careful." Patrick says as he hands over the keys. They all squeal and start talking about who gets to drive. Pat just rolls his eyes. "I better not regret this," he says. "See you at the restaurant!" I tell the girls as we leave.

We get to the John Hancock Building and take the elevator up to the restaurant, the Signature Room at the 95th. Patrick and I are the first ones to get there and I run to the window, the view of the lighted city below us taking my breath away. I turn aroud and look at the room. Bouquets of cream and white flowers on each table, the lighting soft and inviting, thanks to the candles scattered around. Menus with gold embossing sit on each gold and white dinner plate, a banner on the top of each reading "A Special Night." "Patrick, this is perfect," I tell him, my smile taking up my whole face. He planned this whole event, telling me he wanted to surprise me.

The band finishes setting up in the corner and starts playing Elvis Presley's "Can't Help Falling in Love With You." "May I have this dance?" Patrick grins at me, offering his hand and giving me a little bow. I laugh at the gesture, but take his hand and we dance together, my head leaning against his chest, his arms around my waist, as we wait for the guests.

When everyone is seated, we have dinner. First, a waldorf salad, my favorite, and filet mignon with potatoes and steamed carrots. For dessert, angel food cake with white whipped cream frosting and little edible gold sprinkles. The sweetness of the sugar melts on my tongue with the first bite.

Patrick raises his glass and lightly taps his fork against it to get everyone's attention. "Friends and family, you're probably wondering why we're having this event tonight," he begins. "I just came for the food!" Andrew yells out from his seat, causing eveyone to crack up with laughter and earning him a punch on the arm from a blushing Becca. "Thanks Shawzy. Glad you're here for us." Patrick shouts back, laughing. "We're really excited to tell you some news we just found out recently and we wanted to tell everyone at once" He pauses and looks over at me. "Ready?" I nod and we hold hands as we tell everyone the news. "We're pregnant!"

I see my mom immediately gasp in shock and then hug my dad, the excitement on her face clearly visible. Everyone starts coming up and congratulating us. "I'm so excited for you!" Kami squeals, while Corey congratulates Patrick ."Had a hard time not telling anyone, Pat," Jonathan says, giving me a hug.

Both of my parents and Patrick's parents can't stay calm, freaking out even more when they find out we're having twins. "Have you picked out names already?" Donna asks me. "Actually, we have." I say, smiling at Patrick. "Nicholas Tyler Kane and Madison Rose Kane." Everyone awws in approval. "And they're going to be perfect," Patrick says, giving my a hug and a kiss. "Just like their mom."

Kami's POV

When we get back from Kayla and Patrick's celebratory dinner, I feel more depressed than I have ever been. Ever since my dad died, I feel horrible all the time. I don't even know if I feel like living anymore. Corey goes into the bedroom to change out of his suit coat and I head to the bathroom.

I look at myself in the mirror, not even recognizing myself. At the party, I put on a mask, faking my happiness to anyone I talked to. In the mirror, I see what's underneath though. Someone with no direction to go, dark bags under my eyes, lost, confused. I open the cabinet searching for a solution and my hand rummages through, closing on the bottle of pills. I hold it in my hand, weighing the situation. Then, I slowly open it, counting how many are in the container. Ten. That should be enough. I close my eyes and hold my hand to my mouth, forcing them down. It's only a bit of time before I feel woozy. But at least it's the last feeling I'll ever have to deal with again.

Corey's POV

I get ready for bed, then go to find Kami. The bathroom door is closed, so I knock on it. "Kami, is everything ok?" She's been really depressed this past week after her dad's death and I could tell she was unhappy at the party tonight. I get no response so I open the door to see if she's even in there. The first thing I see is Kami lying on the ground, orange pill bottle in one hand. And the worst part? She's not breathing.

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