Part Two

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Chapter Two

Jonathan pulled into Patrick Sharp's driveway. Sharp's house on Beechwood Avenue was huge and definitely reflected his classy lifestyle. The hedges surrounding the front porch glistened with the newly fallen January snow and a red and gold ornament wreath hung on the door.  Jonathan smiled at the Blackhawks flag waving proudly above the porch steps. Stepping out of his car, he walked up to the front door and pressed the door bell. Shooter, Patrick's bassett hound, started barking and Jonathan could hear a kid crying.

Patrick opened the door, looking disheveled and holding a screaming Madelyn. Shooter waddled over to Jonathan and started slobbering on his shoes, wagging his tail in excitement. "Oh, good, you're here," he said. "Take Mady." He practically threw Mady at Jonathan and as Mady looked up at the new face above her, she stopped crying. "Hey, remember me, Mady?" Jonathan grinned. He had tried to make Mady laugh back at Game 6 of the Stanley Cup Finals after they had won the cup, but had been unsuccessful. This time he was rewarded with a small smile as Mady hugged him. "Tazer." she said in her high pitched, two year old voice. "That's me," he said. "Hey guess what? We're going to hang out tonight."

Jonathan heard clicking heels and turned around to see Abby Sharp coming down the stairs. She was wearing a short, white and gold beaded dress that highlighted her loosely curled blonde hair and beautiful makeup and matched her strappy gold heels. "Hi Jonny," she greeted him with a hug. "Thank you so much for filling in for us. You don't know how much I appreciate it!" "Aw, it's no problem," Jonathan said. "You know you guys are family to me." "I know you've been here before, but let me just show you where all of Mady's stuff is," Abby said, as she started leading him around the house. After they had gone through Mady's dinner and bedtime routine, Abby lead them back to the foyer. Jonathan put Mady down, and held her hand as Abby said "You guys can watch some tv if you want, just make sure it's appropriate, and feel free to help yourself to any food we have Jonny." She grabbed her purse off the table and yelled to Patrick. "Come on babe. our reservation is at 7:45!" Patrick came running down the stairs wearing a suit coat jacket, a white button down, and black dress slacks. His slipped his feet into the black leather dress shoes by the door and grabbed his wallet and car keys from the table. He opened the door for Abby and said "Thanks Tazer. I really do appreciate your help tonight. We'll probably be back around midnight." He turned and closed the door, waving goodbye and blowing a kiss to Madelyn. Mady and Jonathan, still holding hands, waved goodbye. 

Once Abby and Patrick had left, Jonathan turned to Mady. "Ok Mady, what do you want to do tonight?" Mady ran over to the living room and grabbed a copy of "Chicago A-Z" from the bookshelf. "You want to read this?" Jonathan asked. Mady nodded, so he picked her up and set her on his lap as they settled on the coach. After half an hour of reading, the pile of books the two had read reached over Mady's head. Jonathan checked his phone. 7:40 the screen read. "Come on Mady, we have to go get you into your pajamas and get some dinner," Jonathan said. They started to head upstairs when the doorbell rang. Shooter, who had been sleeping in his basket, started howling. Thinking Patrick or Abby had maybe forgotten something and come back, Jonathan walked back to the door and peered through the peephole. Patrick Kane stood in front of him, grinning from ear to ear with his mischievous little smile. Jonathan sighed. No. freaking. way. Of all the places that Pat had to show up.

Knowing that Pat wouldn't go away, Jonathan put Mady down and opened the door. "Pat," he said. "What the heck are you doing?" "Well I had nothing to do tonight, so I might as well come help you babysit, yeah?" Pat replied, still grinning away and waving to Mady, who grinned back at him. He slipped past Jonathan into the house and patter Shooter on the head, then made his way to the living room, where he plopped down on the couch. Jonathan locked the front door, picked up Mady, and headed into the living room. With Pat here, he might as well be babysitting two small kids. It was going to be a long night.

~This chapter is a bit boring as well. Sorry! Chaos to come in the next few chapters, so stay tuned!~ 

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