Part Twenty-Four

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Heidi's POV

I wake up in the hospital bed, the room dark and the window lit faintly with a glow from the city outside. I look down at my wrists, which are covered in bandages. I try to rip out the IV in my arm, try to remove the bandages that cover the ugly scars and the dark blood, but I can't. Why am I even here? I'm not supposed to be alive.

Andrew's POV

I can't sleep during the night, so I get up to take a little walk in the hospital garden. As I turn to leave I look at Becca in her hospital bed. Her dark hair is spread out on her pillow and she looks like an angel. The only sound in the room is the dripping of the IV attached to her arm and I make sure to let her rest in silence as I exit the room.

Becca's POV

I wake up and Andrew is gone. He promised he would be here, but he's left me. I start to cry and through my tears I see a figure advancing towards my bed from the corner of the room. It's a woman and she's kind of hazy looking. As she gets closer to her bed, I recognize her facial features, that familiar little smile, the dark hair that matches mine. "Mom..." A shiver goes through me as she stands there looking at me. "I'm here honey. Don't be afraid to join me. It'll be ok." I shake my head and she fades away from my vision, but her words linger with me. Maybe it's just better to end it here, not drag Andrew or Laura or anyone else into this mess. I don't want to end up like my mom, having to constantly worry about whether or not the cancer will return and slowly watching my self fade from what I used to be.

I look at the IV that transfers the pain medication into my arm and throughout my body. The drip-drip sound fills the room and sounds like a ticking time-bomb in my head, counting down the seconds in my life until the cancer could strike back. It's not worth it. I yank the IV out of my arm, the sharp pain only a precursor to the roaring that hits me in the chest, causing stars to swim in front of my eyes. I gasp as the blackness and the pain start to take over. Goodbye Andrew, I love you. 

Kayla's POV

I roll over in bed and face Patrick, kissing him goodnight. "I'm going in for my first ultrasound in a week," I tell him. "Can you come with?" "Of course," he says, his blue eyes looking directly into mine and melting my heart, just like they did the first time I met him. "Can I - can I ask you something?" I ask, hesitantly. "Anything." "What kind of baby do you really want? A boy or a girl?" He shakes his head at me. "It doesn't even matter. I just want a baby and here I am, having one with the most beautiful girl that I could possibly be with. What more could I want?" He kisses me and then my bump, the kiss leaving a little tingling sensation behind. 

Andrew's POV

I feel a bit sleepier and calmer after my walk. I slowly turn the doorknob handle to Becca's room, careful to not make any noise and gently close it behind me. When I look at Becca, she looks different. Her chest doesn't rise and fall with little breaths and the IV needle hangs loosely from the stand instead of being buried inside her arm. "No," I whisper, the world already spinning as I rush to her side. "No, Becca, please no." 

~I'm sorry this is so short, but I have no school tomorrow and will be writing all day to make up for it! Leave me a comment of your favorite character in this story down below!~

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