Part Forty Four

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Kami's POV

I wake up excitedly and tap my phone to stop the beeping of the alarm. Corey rolls over in bed and gives me a little kiss. "Morning birthday girl," he says, smiling. "Twenty four years old. You're practically ancient!" he laughs. I laugh and throw a pillow at him. "If I'm ancient, what does that make you?" He throws a pillow at me and we start fighting, pillows getting thrown around the room.

I finally tackle him down on the bed and hold him down with a pillow. "Ok, you win, you win," he says, breathing hard between his laughs. He holds his arms up in surrender and I grin and take the pillow off of him.

That turns out to be a mistake because he jumps up and attacks me with his pillow, knocking me onto the bed. We're both laughing when his pillow bursts open, the thousands of little down feathers falling around us, like we're in a snowglobe. He leans down and kisses me again. "I love you." I smile up at him. "Love you, too." 

After I shower, I wrap my hair up in a towel and go into my closet to pick an outfit. I pick out a light pink long-sleeve shirt and a black bandage skirt. After I get dressed, I blow dry my hair and curl it into waves, then apply my makeup. I take my Marc Jacobs perfume and spritz a tiny amount behind my neck and onto my wrists, the flowery scent making me feel so bubbly and happy. I slip on some black Tory Burch flats to finish off my outfit and head out to the kitchen, where I can hear Corey making breakfast.

When I get there, he has a plate with pancakes, topped with strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and whipped cream. "Did you make all this?" I ask. He nods, proud of himself. I give him a huge hug. "Oh Corey, thank you so much. I love it all." We sit down and eat breakfast, the pancakes and fruit tasting delicious. I take one last sip of my orange juice. "So where are we going today?" I ask excitedly.

I'm sure Corey has something planned for us.The past three birthdays have just been amazing and he's always had something to surprise me with from the moment I get it. He makes a face. "Uhm, I'm really sorry babe, but I have some stuff to do today. We'll try to do something maybe this weekend, ok?" I try not to feel sad, but I'm really disappointed that we're not going to be doing anything. I guess he just forgot about it this year. "Oh, that's uhm, that's okay. I'll just hang out by myself I guess."

He stands up and gives me a kiss on the head. "I'm really sorry, Kami. I'll make it up to you okay?" He puts his dishes in the sink and then grabs his keys and wallet before running out the door. I put my head in my hands. So much for an exciting birthday. 

Corey's POV

I feel really bad just leaving Kami like that on her birthday, but I have a surprise planned for her tonight. I drive my car over to the park, park it, and get out and walk to the gazebo. The party workers are already there, setting everything up. The gazebo has white roses decorating its sides, tiny white lights tucked in between so that the whole thing will be lit up at night.

I go up to talk to Mandy, the woman who is in charge of everything. "Everything going well?" I ask her. She checks her clipboard and nods. "You think everything looks how you want it to?" I look around. Everything seems like how I requested. I give her a nod. "I'm going to be bringing her over tonight.," I say, looking up at the sky. "Hope it doesn't rain." Mandy checks her phone. "Well, you have a 50-50 chance, but either way, the gazebo will cover you." "Thanks, Mandy." I tell her. "No problem. Hope it goes well tonight!" she says, as I leave.

I get back into my car and drive over to the physical therapy place. I'm trying to fix whatever I pulled in my leg, but my trainer said I should be cleared to play soon. And even though I'm out, I'm glad that Kami is getting a chance to play. She really deserves it. 

Kami's POV

I spend the day with Kayla and Laura who take me out to lunch and bring me birthday presents. I complain to them about Corey and they nod sympathetically when I say he didn't even plan anything. I feel like crying about it but Laura reassures me and says that Corey probably has something planned. They drop me back off at the apartment building and I go up to our apartment. 

Corey's POV

When I hear Kami opening the door, I put the plan into action and start running around like I'm in a hurry. "Kami! You have to get dressed quickly. We have to go to a hockey event!" She just stares at me. "Are you serious Corey? On my birthday?" "Please Kami," I say, pretending to look like I'm really panicking. "Pleaseeee." She sighs and puts all her stuff down. "Fine. But I can't believe you."

She goes into the bedroom and comes back a little bit later. Her hair fixed and her makeup touched up. She's wearing a gold dress that sparkles ever so slightly when the light catches it and for a second I forget everything and just stare at her. "What?" she says annoyed. "Do I not look good enough or something?" "No," I stutter. "You look amazing." I get a small smile from her. "Thanks. Can we go now?" I nod and grab my keys and wallet from the counter. Everything else is already set up at the gazebo. 

Kami's POV

I cross my arms when we get in the car. I can't believe that I'm spending my evening going to an event. I have no problem with going to events, but I feel like Corey doesn't even care that it's my birthday. He pulls up to the park and stops the car. "The event is in the park?" I ask, suspiciously. He nods and helps me out of the car. We walk into the park for a little bit and just when I start to question where he's leading me, I see the gazebo.

It's got white roses weaving in and out of the lattice work and little twinkling lights are on and light up the area, making it look like a little fairytale wonderland. "Surprise," Corey says, taking my hand. He leads me up to the gazebo and pulls out the chair for me. There's a dinner set up for us and everything picked out is one of my favorites.

While we're eating, he tells me how he wanted to surprise me and I keep thanking him over and over again, a bit ashamed with thinking that he had forgotten me.

When we finish our dinner, Corey plugs in his ipod to the speakers in the gazebo and music starts playing.  I lean against him and we spend the night dancing, just like Cinderella and her prince. Only this fairytale is better because it's me and Corey and I wouldn't want it any other way.

As All of Me starts playing, I hear thunder outside and it starts raining. I hesitate for a second and then take Corey's hand and pull him outside. We dance in the rain, just the two of us, the only ones in the dimly lit park, the water soaking through our clothes. But neither one of us cares. We're in our own world. 

Cause all of me

Loves all of you 

Loves your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections

Give your all to me

I'll give my all to you

You're my end and my beginning

Even when I lose I'm winning....

Corey leans down and kisses me, our lips connecting as the rain falls down on us.

When we get home, we're both completely soaked from dancing in the rain. The doorman gives us a look as we enter the apartment building, and Corey can't keep his hands off of me as we ride the elevator up to our floor. When he unlocks the door to our apartment, he starts kissing me, then he leads me to our bedroom. 

Through his kisses, his hands find the zipper on the back of my dress and they quickly undo it, my dress falling aside as my hands find the buttons on his shirt, quickly undoing them. I can tell we're both tipsy from the champagne we had at the park, but I don't care. Right now all I want is Corey. 

~Please leave comments and vote for this story if you like it, otherwise I might stop writing if I think no one is interested! Thanks for reading!~

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