No. 1 at The Box Office

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No.1 at The Box Office 

The King Thriller Movie has resumed and The dead body taken to the morgue for Identification. Nonetheless, followers want to see the rest of this blockbuster and they shal without further adue 

Sir Michael "Roll it" and he means business and the rest of The Royal Nation Wolf Pack .

The reel is rolling Action and the scene is back in Enchanted Forrest where Sir Michael and Lady Sweet Pea are having a lovers get away from the children and The Gold Palace. She and her lover are laying in bed smooching and curled up and cozy and just rubbing noses like Eskimos kisses and he sings a little and she is lovin him and he is lovin her. 

On sceen you hear them speak 

Sir Michael "Sweet Pea I want another baby. "

Sweet Pea "I just had a baby and now you want another one? I am not the easy bake oven you brut" 

The audience laughs because Sweet Pea called him a brut.

Sir Michael "Oh you so sweet to call me a brut." and the audience laughs about that one too

Sweet Pea hears foot steps outside their log cabin

"Honey where is your sword? Where is my sword I am good with a sword too other then my bow and arrows" as she lets him investigate the footsteps

"sssshhh!" he whispers to her. and he waits for someone to try their door. 

When they open it Sir Michael draws his sword and it's a woman?

"Who are you?" as he waits for her answer

"I am lost in this Enchanted Forrest. I need to get to The Gold Palace to warn the Lady of The Palace there is talk of harming her"

Lady Sweet Pea hears and waits for more info about her

"Shut up but keep talking or off with your head" Lady Sweet Pea is no joke when it comes to her life

"Who wants to harm my lovely wife I will kill the struppetts and they had better know it That I will harm every inch of hair on their ugly mugs" as Sir Michael pats the woman down for weapons and makes her talk. Tell what she knows

"I ran into some Navy Seal camping about 11 miles back About eight of them and they want to capture your woman just to capture this King"

So she does not know that he is the KING OF ALL THE LAND?

Lady Sweet Pea "What name did the refer to this woman of The Palace by?"

"I heard Queen Queenie"

Sir Michael "So you are their messenger?" 

Sir Michael "My Soldiers of Love will take you as our prisoner I don't trust you and what is your name? Better tell the truth or else

"My name is Storm"

"Storm? What kind of name is that?"

"I forgot my real name and who I am sir and that is the truth"

"I believe her honey she has been brainwashed to be a follower of another brainwashed nitwit"

Sir Michael "Still you are going to be taken as our prisoner and if you regain your memory then good if not then good" 

Lady Sweet Pea "You will go with some friends of mines Mistress Echo Diva and Mistress Madame Dame Maria 

Sir Michael starred at his wife and wonders what she is up to because those two Madames always have some freaky stuff on their minds and this woman does look like she even knows what her own anatomy looks like.

Sir Michael "No not this time I will save this one from your freaky friends  and he calls for Thor his right hand Captain of his Soldiers of Love to take her back to where they keep POW's and feed her food and drink and question her but right now he and Lady Sweet Pea are on a lovey Dovey lovers Lane sort of magical journey and do not wish to be disturbed

The Soldiers of Love do as the King ask of them and they take this so called memory lost woman back to headquarters but she will be kept in isolation because Lady Sweet Pea does not trust her.

Sir Michael and Lady Sweet Pea stare at the BIG SCREEN

Did they just remember something  

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