King Of My Heart cont...

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King Of My Heart ...

"Sweet Pea where you going baby" he saw she was putting her long white mink

Sweet Pea "I was going out to feed the pigeons some bread honey" she so sweet 

Michael "That is why I love you so much my love. Because you think of other's I love you my Sweet Pea

"Baby can you come with me? Put your long white mink on. Everybody knows by now that Michael Jackson is in Italy"

Michael "Yeah I guess they do with you screaming 'daddy daddy daddy at the top of your lungs in the darn bed when we gettin busy girl" and he went to go get his long white maxi mink

He grabbed her by her arm and held her up cause it is snowing outside and he don't want his baby moma to slip and fall. She could be pregnant with yet their fourth child. They been knockin boots everyday since they been going on a world tour of a lot of cities and countries for their Holiday Trips

They outside in the city of Milan Square feeding the pigeons and watching the other lovers keep each other warm. Winter is so beautiful. And bought them matching white minks last Christmas. 

She is glowing. He hopes she is pregnant again?

"Honey have you had your month yet?" he asked

Sweet Pea "I don't remember babe"

Michael "Check the calender I had mark it on September 7th as your last time you came on. That was on Sir Michael The Second's birthday remember?" he reminded his wife of thirty years? My how time flies

She can still have a baby even at the ripe old age of 48 years old.

Hallie Berry had a baby at 47 years old

"I want you just to be good and healthy babe" he told her

Sweet Pea "Babe you know Sir  Michael The Second an his wife Lady R'riah already got twins but they want another baby too. When Sweet Pea and Michael left to go on a Winter Wonderland vacation, Sir Michael The Second said he and his wife was going to be making love off of Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terril. You All I need To Get By.......

Michael "Its is so lovely out here Not even cold just pretty and look at you glowing. You know you pregnant so why don't you just tell me girl" he was waiting

Sweet Pea "I don't think I am suga" she told him she was not sure but he insist that she be

"I want you to keep that glow on your face. Because I love you so much. We been through thick and thin and back again I love me some Y.O.U girl" and they kissed in the middle of the square. Yes!

"hmmm you gonna make me attack that ass" he told her

"Shamone Awouuu!" she made him laughed 

Michael "Babe you imitate me so darn well I love you baby" he laughed again

"You look good Sweet Pea Good Lovin makes you look good I guess that is why I look good because of all the good lovin I get from you huh?" he winked and she winked back

Two freaks undercover huh or is it two undercover freaks?

"Babe we make love a lot but it is never too much I got a hot box" she admitted

"I know you got a hot box" he rubbed her booty 

she liked that 

"Do that again Michael"

and he did he slide his arms around her and slid his hands inside her pocket and pressed against her cut. She was moist and he wanted some

"Hello kitty always saying hello to daddy cat huh?" he teased

Sweet Pea "You the one trying to make a baby" she teased him back 

They holding hands now....

"You hungry babe" he asked her 

Sweet Pea "You wanna go get something at the Pasta Cafe over there?"

Michael "Yes Love its close" They walked over 

"Hi Mr and Mrs Michael Jackson" a fan got both their autographs 

Michael "My wife giving out autographs now?" You famous he teased her 

"Yeah haters make me famous" 

Michael "Don't be hatin on Sweet Pea just because she with me The King of Her Heart" 

They ordered Garlic Cheese Pizza and red Gallo Wine and drank the whole bottle 

Time to go up and try for a baby and he going to make it butt naked nasty

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