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  • Dedicated to Every single chocolate chip for making this possible!

A young player rushed into her house. Her older brother was sitting on the couch in their living room, completely immersed in his cartoon on the t.v.

"Tyler! Tyyyyywer!" The little girl shouted, making her brother jump.

"Notch, Macey!" The older boy exclaimed, but he smiled. "What is it?"

The little girl, Macey, hopped up and down with excitement. "Tomowwow's my biwthday!" Her grin stretched from ear to ear.

It wasn't really her birthday, and she knew that. No one knew her real birthday. No one knew Tyler's either. What their dad called their "birthdays" was really the day they had both been adopted.

Well, not exactly adopted, really. But we'll get to that later.

"Oh, yeah." Tyler grinned. "I forgot. You're turning...two this year?"

Macey giggled. "You'we silly, Tywer. I'm turning fouw this year!"

Tyler laughed as she held up three fingers at the word four. He was only eight, but Macey always looked at him like he was a giant, which, compared to her, he kind of was.

"Hey, Tywer?" Macey asked. "Can you tell me the stowy?"

"But I'm right in the middle of Bravest Warriors..."

"Pweeeeeease, Tywer?" Macey looked up at her brother with her best "puppy-dog" eyes. She only paid attention to Bravest Warriors if Catbug was on the screen, which he wasn't.

With a sigh, Tyler caved and turned off the t.v. Oh, well. It was a re-run, anyway.

Macey climbed up onto the couch next to her brother, and turned to face him, looking up at Tyler intently.

Tyler would never admit it, but he kind of liked hearing the story, and he liked telling it to Macey, too.

"Once upon a time, there was a little boy who was all alone in Minecraftia, who's name was Adam." He began. "He built himself a house in the side of a cave-"

"Just like our house!" Macey piped up.

"Yeah." Tyler smiled, imagining the characters of the story he knew so well hanging out in his house. "-where he could protect himself from the scary monsters."

Macey shivered, frightened by the thought of mobs.

Tyler continued. "One day, Adam heard someone outside of the house, who was also all alone. His name was Deadlox. . Adam invited Deadlox to stay in his house, since Deadlox didn't have a house. They ended up becoming best friends.

"They grew up and made many other friends like Bajan, ASF, Ian, MU, and Mudkip." Tyler always thought that the names of the characters his dad had made up were weird. "But one day, they discovered that something bad was out there."

"Squids." Macey said with a grin. She knew the story almost as well as Tyler. "Squids are extinct now, wight?"

"Right." Tyler nodded. "And so the group of friends traveled away from their houses to go find the Legendary Butter Kingdom, which was said to have plenty of space for their army."

"An' they found it." Macey finished.

"And they found it." Tyler confirmed. "And then they went to find players to be in their army. They stopped when a wheel came off of the wagon they were using. They were right next to the ocean, and they decided to go swimming for a little bit, for a break."

As Tyler continued to recount the story to Macey, neither of them were aware that the main character of their story was living in the house with them. In fact, he was listening right now.

A 28-year-old Sky listened from the hallway to his story, the story he had told to his son, Tyler, who had in turn told it to Macey, his daughter.

They thought it was legend. They had no idea that the story was about their own dad and his friends. How could they, when he had purposely changed all of the characters names so they wouldn't know?

Sky knew he would tell them someday. Just...not today.

But someday.



God, I've been excited to get this book out to you guys! I don't know who the waiting's been the hardest on, me or you! XD

The reason I wanted to wait until March 4th is for a bunch of reasons. One, it's my birthday, and it would make my birthday all the more special. Two, I can remember it's "anniversary" date since it's my birthday, and three, it's also the one year anniversary of Teen Team Crafted!

Can you guys believe that it's been a whole year since Teen Team Crafted came out? It feels like I just sat down to write Young Team Crafted!

But for real, I want to thank you guys so much for everything, because without your overwhelming support for these books, I probably would have never even finished Young Team Crafted, or written Teen Team Crafted and now TC2G.

It's been a blast writing these books, and your comments make me smile every day!

And yes, we didn't win any Watty Awards, but (here comes the cheesy line) I feel like I've won the biggest award- all of your love and support.

It's been fun getting to grow up with Team Crafted, even though they are no more, but now it's time to live through a new adventure!

I've got a lot of plans for this book, and hopefully this one will be better in every way!

#TC2GIsHere (can we see if we can trend it?)

(This book will be somewhat darker than the other two. I do not mean to offend or make light of anyone who is dealing with the same problems as some of the characters.)

(Note: This cover is temporary, my friend DemPenguins is working on a permanent one that I'll put up as soon as it's done! :D)

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