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"That's a bad idea."

"Well, what else are we supposed to do?"

I woke up to the voices only a few feet away from me, to see my dad standing a little bit away, next to Skylar's dad, Ty. Aside from them, the room was empty. Did everyone already wake up? What time was it?

They didn't seem to notice me awake, so I didn't move and kept my eyes half-closed.

"Not run straight into a situation when we barely know anything about it, that's what we're supposed to do." My dad says. 

"Since when have you been the one to be cautious?" Ty asked. "You weren't like this back when I was kidnapped."

"That was different."


"Well, for one, Jason and I had you to tell us what was going on. So we weren't running blindly into everything." 

"You know I didn't know crap, right?" Ty said. "I just told you what was going on, I didn't really know the way. That was all you. Well, that, and the signs Bodil put down."

Dad shook his head. "Still don't know why he didn't just save you himself since he knew where you were." 

"He was the biggest troll in the Kingdom. Probably thought it was some practical joke." He said. "Anyways, that's not the point here."

"So what is the point?"

"The point is, we have to go back to the Kingdom. That was the first place he went, he might have left some hints as to where all his bases are."

"Why would he leave a clue like that in the Kingdom and not in the old base?" 

"Nether if I know. He's a demon, I don't like to think about how his brain works." Ty said. "Besides, we've searched the base every day for almost three weeks. We've turned the whole place upside down, killed every last Shadow left behind."

Not every last Shadow, I thought. There's still some left for me.

"There's nothing there, Sky. We have to find another way, and we have to find it fast. I want my daughter back, and that base is giving us zilch on how to find her."

"Alright." Dad aid. "You have a point. I get it. But we still don't know if the Kingdom's still safe." 

"And what better way to find out than by going?"

I took that moment to pretend to wake up. I yawned, sitting up and stretching my arm. 

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty." My dad said, smiling at me. 

"Ha-ha." I replied. "What time is it?" 

"About two in the afternoon. How long were you up last night?" 

"I don't know, I had to get Alyssa around one maybe?" I said. "Y'know, Jenna."

"Right." Dad said. "Well, Mitch said he found a group of pigs a little while away. There might be bacon left over, but I wouldn't count on it." 

"You ate all of it, didn't you?" I asked. 

He put a hand on his chest, gasping over-dramatically. "To be accused of such a thing by my own son!"

"Not just your son." Ty grinned. "I'll put money on it." 

"Betrayed by my best friend...I can't believe this! I'm appalled!" Dad yelled, a smile on his face. "Mutiny!" 

He pretended to pass out, falling backwards onto a bed. 

Ty looked at me. "You're raising yourself, aren't you?"

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