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"Bill, I literally do not care that you've managed to take over part of Dimension 46. No, I'm not going to come and help you, I've got my own business to take care of."

I turned when I heard the familiar noise that meant the Shadows had returned. 

"I gotta go. Oh, well woop-de-doo, you trapped a twelve year old in a bubble. Let me say it again. I. Don't. Care." I said, slamming the inter-dimensional phone down, and it disappeared. 

The Shadows came in to the room. 

"Well?" I asked. "I don't hear any screaming children." 

"Well, um, that's because..." 

The Shadow who had spoken mumbled something I couldn't make out. 

"I'm sorry? What was that?" I asked, walking towards him. 

"They got away." He said. 

"Excuse me? They did what?" 

"They got away." He repeated, staring at his toes. 

I sighed, turning away and pacing the floor. "So, you mean to tell me, that even though you only have one weakness and there were twenty of you..." 

I stopped pacing, and stared them down. "YOU COULDN'T MANAGE TO CAPTURE NINE CHILDREN?"

"N-not true, sir." 

"Don't you dare 'sir' me." I said. "Tell me why you think that's not true. I don't see any children, you imbeciles!" 

"We were able to get one." 

I sighed. "One. One out of nine. That's considered a fail in most places, you idiot! Nevertheless, which brat did you get?" 

"One of the two twins. I think it was the boy." 

"You mean to tell me, that even though you got one, you got the one I needed the least?" I yelled. "That Bacca boy is useless to me! You were supposed to get them all, or at the very least, the children of Sky! The ones I can use against him! I should destroy you all right now!" 

They all cowered, which only proceeded to make me angrier. 

"Don't cower, you morons! You're supposed to be powerful beings, you look pathetic when you do that!" 


I ignored the use of sir for the time being. "What?" 

"The boy we got...he may not be useless." 

"Oh, and what makes you say that?"

"W-well...he's dead."

"Oh, he's dead, is he?" I asked, walking over to the one who had been speaking. "He's DEAD? I told you to bring them back ALIVE! What can a DEAD boy have more use for than an ALIVE one?" 

"You c-could use him against the him father." 


I turned around, thinking about it. Yes, it might actually be better to have at least one of them weakened not only physically, but mentally as well...and what better way to weaken a person mentally then to have them be constantly aware their child is dead? 

I turned back around. "You might just have a point." 

I turned to face the whole crowd. "Although, I have no use for idiots who don't do their job correctly and still don't offer any way to fix their horrendous mistakes." 

I snapped my vessel's fingers, and nineteen Shadows dissolved into nothingness.

I stared at the lone remaining Shadow. "You'd best hope that you brought the body back with you." 

"Y-yes, we did." 

"Very good. Put him in his father's room. I want him to be the first thing Jerome sees when he wakes up, do you understand me?" 

"Y-yes, sir." 


The Shadow stood there for a moment. 

"Well, what are you waiting for, a kiss on cheek?" I asked. "Go!" 

He nodded hurriedly before leaving the room. 

I was tired of these failed results. Too many had let simple children slip through their grasp too easily. The normal Shadows were useless attempting to catch those bratty kids. 

I left the room, heading past the rows of doors that led to different rooms in the base I had the Shadows build. 

I turned into one room, which had nothing but a large locked chest inside. 

I walked towards it, pulling a key from the pocket in Jin's jacket. "The others have failed me far too many times." I muttered, sticking the key in the lock and opening it. 

A single crystal, glowing a bright red, lay in the chest, a silver chain hooked to it. 

"Looks like I'll have to bring a new player into this game." I said, lifting the crystal out of the box. 

"Except this time, you're going to be on my side, not theirs." 


I wonder if any of you can guess who the "new player" is going to be? 

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