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"What is that?" Jenna screamed, as the intense wind blew back her long brown hair.

"I hate to say it, but I think we all know." Shane yelled to be heard over the wind.

"But that's impossible!" Jeremy exclaimed. "He's locked up!"

"Apparently, not anymore." Alyssa said grimly.

Quinn didn't say anything, she only stared at the figure in the distance with her mouth open.

I scanned the panicking crowds, all running from the south of the Kingdom.

Where was Mom?

"Well, come on!" Shane yelled. "We have to fight him!"

Jeremy grabbed Shane's arm, holding him back. "Are you crazy?" He yelled. "News flash: Our dads could barely stop him. We can't fight him!"

"We can't just let him get away!" Shane argued.

"We'll be no good dead." Quinn finally spoke up. "What's important now is that we get out of here."

"She's right, Shane." Jenna said. "Come on, guys."

Still no sign of Mom.

"Shane." Quinn stared at me as the others turned to run. "Come on, we have to get out of here."

My house was in the south of the kingdom.

"My mom is still out there."

Quinn's face whitened. "Cameron, don't you dare-"

Too late.

I jumped over the wall, aiming for the water pond below.

Please don't miss...please don't miss...please don't miss!

I could see the pond, but it was a few blocks away from where I was going to land.

I squeezed my eyes shut. This is the end, I thought. Of course, I messed up. Should have known my mess-ups would eventually kill me. They've always screwed up my life, looks like they're ending it, too.

I braced myself for death.

Here it comes...


Water flooded my lungs, and I did the first thing that came to mind. Swim.

I gasped for air when my head broke the surface. How was I alive? I should be a Cameron-pancake on the ground right now.

No time to question, the actually smart part of my brain told me. We have to go find Mom.

That part was the stupid part, considering the fact that Mom was somewhere in the south region, and the south region was currently being terrorized by someone we all knew and hated.


We all knew the stories. We all knew what he had done. Problem was, he was supposed to be locked up.

Looked as though he had managed to get free.

Lucky us.

I climbed out of the pool, and set off at a run toward the south region. I turned to see if anyone was following me, and saw Quinn being dragged away by Jenna, presumably to safety. She kept her eyes on mine, and seemed to say "Don't do it."

I tore my eyes away, and kept running-or at least attempted to. I tripped over my own two feet, and ended up faceplanting into the ground.

Typical, I thought.

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