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I slammed foot first into the ceiling again, attempting to break it.

The walls didn't even shudder, and I flew backwards into the ground from the impact. 

"Ugh..." I muttered, rubbing my head. 

That was my tenth time trying. It was obvious it wouldn't work. 

I slowly stood, my head spinning a little from hitting it on the ground so many times. 

I opened up a panel on my suit's arm. "Scan material." 

Another panel slid open on the palm of the material over my hand, revealing a familiar laser. I held my hand out towards the ceiling, and waited. 

I heard a small beep, and the panel on my hand retracted. 

"Substance unknown." 

"Can I break it?" I asked, as I had right before I started attempting to break it. It had said something like...

"Is difficult to break, but possible.

I kicked the wall in frustration. Apparently, hitting it multiple times with your foot wasn't enough. I shut the panel in my arm. 

Might as well go look for the others, I thought. The center, they were headed for the center. 

I started to walk down the dimly lit corridor, nervous about what'd I'd find. What was even in this maze? From what I'd seen on the journey so far, I didn't know what to expect. 

Of course, it didn't help that I already didn't know what was normal in Minecraftia, but from the other's reactions, I could gauge it pretty well. 

But...the others weren't here. 

I froze when I heard footsteps at the other end of the corridor. 

"Um...hello?" I called out nervously. 

A figure approached, and I pulled out my ray gun from my belt. "I...I'm warning you! Tell me who you are!" 

"There's no need for that." A friendly voice spoke, and I did a double take. Was voice? 

The figure appeared from out of the shadows, and it 

A exact copy of me from head to toe, except for one thing I immediately noticed. The see-through mask I had over my nose and mouth to make sure I could breathe was gone on her. 

"You'" I asked, staring. 

"Yep." She smiled my smile. 

"This is...this is impossible." I said to myself, lowering the gun. 

I remembered what happened in the town, and raised it again. "Are you going to hurt me?" 

She laughed. "Come on, why would I hurt you? I'm you, remember?" 

"How is this possible?" I asked, keeping the gun pointed at her. 

"Oh, I forgot, you don't these things." She smiled. "Here in Minecraftia, whenever you enter a maze, a copy of you is made to help you find your way out. It's how things work here." 

"R-really?" I questioned. 

"Of course. Come on, Alyssa, lower the gun. This is how it works here." 

This is how it works here. 

The words stuck in my brain. Maybe she was right. I knew nothing about Minecraftia, anyways...

But wait. If she was me, then how did she know?

"How do you know if you're me?" I asked, keeping the gun up. "You said it yourself, I don't know."

"I know because I was made here. I may be a copy of you, but I was still made the second you entered the maze. I know everything there is to know about Minecraftia. I could teach you, if you wanted. And I get the feeling you do."

She was right. There was nothing I wanted more than to know, than to no longer be the one who needed everything normal explained to her by her friends. 

"Could you really...could you really teach me things?" I asked, lowering the gun a little. 

"Of course. Like right now, there's this liquid called lava that burns like a blaster and helps forms precious minerals. It's only underground." 

"Really?" I asked, fascinated. 

"Yeah. Alyssa, I won't hurt you. I am you. I know things. I can teach you. Lower the gun, and we can both find the way out." 

I was curious about everything. I wanted to know the things she did. Besides, she had a point, she was me. Why would she hurt me? 

I slowly put the gun back in the holster. 

"There you go." She smiled. 

Suddenly, as quick as a flash, she was behind me, a copy of my gun pressed to the back of my head. 

"Wha-!" I exclaimed. 

"First lesson: here in Minecraftia, we lie." She said, a different tone in her voice. "Now, come along. We're going to the center to meet those little friends of yours." 


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