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Could I run? No. 

Could I walk really fast? Yes. 

That's what I did. 

I walked really fast down the hall, following Shane. Jenna walked beside me, and while she did look worried, she didn't seem to be in a hurry to find another room like that so soon. 

I didn't blame her. 

"Is it bad?" I asked. 

Ahead of me, Shane shrugged. "Don't know. We found Alyssa, and then we found another door. No one else could be in there but Macey." 

"You didn't go get her out?" I asked, suddenly feeling a bit angry. My baby sister's locked in a room with all her fears, and they didn't even bother going in to get her?

"You didn't think we tried? Something's up with the door. It's not letting any of us in." 

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean, it won't open. Duh, what else?" He said, continuing on. "We figured it might let you in." 

"Why?" I asked, confused. 

"Don't know. Skylar thinks it might let you in since you're her brother. Like Darklox is playing some game." 

"Pretty sure this all just one big game for him." I muttered. 

"Yeah, but hey, we can get through this." Shane replied.


"Easy. We find a way to get Macey out, find a way out of this endless hallway, and then we find Darklox!"

"And after we find Darklox?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I didn't remember "finding Darklox" being a part of the plan.

"That, my friend, is even easier then the rest of the plan." He said, and a grin spread over his face. "We whack him with a sword until he dies." 

"I thought the plan was to get our dads and get out of here, not take on a who-knows-how-old demon." I said. 

"Well, that was the plan, but then he killed our friend. I don't know about you, but I want some revenge." 

Jenna looked up, managing a weak smile. "Can I whack him with an ax until he dies?" 

"But of course." Shane grinned. "I'm not very picky about what you whack-the-thing-until-it-dies with." 

"I'm just saying, I don't think it's the best idea." I said. 

Shane looked at me, his face suddenly serious. "Personally, I don't really care if it is the best idea. I want some revenge for Jeremy." 

"Me too." Jenna said quietly. 

"Guys, seriously-"

I was cut off when I saw the others standing in front of a door. 

"Hey, guys!" Shane yelled, and ran towards them. 

I still wasn't feeling the best, but I tried to run, and surprisingly, it didn't hurt as bad as it had before. I guess Regen is a beautiful thing. 

"There you are!" Alyssa said, looking relieved.

Skylar looked at me, her expression not changing. "Nice to see somebody can finally stand up again without falling over."

I smiled. "Nice to see you too." 

"So, what's wrong?" Jenna asked. "Shane said that the door wouldn't open." 

"For once, Shane's right." Cameron said.


"For some reason, the lever on the door won't move. It seems that whenever one of us so much as touches it, it locks itself in place. It's unnatural." Cameron finished. 

"Is anything in here natural?" Quinn asked, her voice as quiet as usual. 

"So far? Us. And possibly the torches on the wall, which don't seem to be tampered with in any way. Also, the stone the hall is built with-"

Shane interrupted. "It's a rhetorical question, Cam. Can you fix the door?" 

"Just because I'm smart doesn't mean I know how to fix levers that have been tampered with by supernatural powers that I don't even think Notch himself knows much about." Cameron said. 

"Maybe it'll work for Tyler." Skylar said. "He's her brother, after all, and we all know how much Darklox likes his games." 

"Maybe." Cameron said. "It could be infused with some sort of power that allows only a certain DNA type to-"

"Cam?" Shane asked. 


"Can Tyler just try opening the thing?" 

"Oh." Cameron said, seemingly embarrassed. "Yes. Of course. Sorry, Tyler."

"No problem." I said, and walked over to the lever, and tried to flip it. 

Nothing. The thing wouldn't move an inch. 

"Well, that was anti-climactic." Skylar muttered. 

"So much for your 'Tyler's the chosen one' theory." Shane said. 

"Can it, Hughes."

"How are we going to get in?" Alyssa asked. "We can't just leave Macey behind." 

"Yeah, I'm with Alyssa on this one, we are not leaving my little sister behind." I said. 

"There must be something we can do, right? I mean, we're all here!" Jenna said. 

No second had the words left her mouth, I heard a loud CLICK.

I turned back around to face the door, and there it was. Open wide, as if to welcome us. 

"What did you do?" Quinn asked. 

"I...I don't know. I just said 'we're all here'." 

"I think Darklox was waiting for all of us to get here." Skylar said. 

"You think it's a trap?" I asked. 

"Obviously." She replied. 

"Okay then." I said, and turned back around to face the group. "Who wants to set it off?" 


Sorry this is so late, the next chapter will be fairly long to make up for it! 

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