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I pushed myself up off the ground. "How did you find me?"

"It's a bit of a hint that something's wrong when I hear myself threatening you." She replied.

"Oh. Right. Thanks."

"Did she tell you anything about where we are? I've got no clue."

"Assuming she wasn't lying, we're apparently somewhere called the Maze of Illusion. We've apparently got evil halves that want to kill us ir something." I explained, hoping to not get anything wrong.

Skylar threw up her hands. "Can't we just go one day without anything wanting to kill us? Just one? That's all I ask!"

"I don't think we have any other options here." I shrugged.

"Right. Okay, let's find the others and get to the center." She said, regaining her normal pissed-off about the world exterior.

She didn't grab my wrist like not-Skylar did, but instead ran off down the corridor. I followed her, the amulet bouncing up and down, hitting my face a few times.

"Hey...Skylar?" I called in between breaths.

"Yeah?" She didn't slow down, or turn around to look at me, so I kept running.

"Did you...hear what...not-you said?"

She kept running, but didn't respond for a while. Then, just as I thought she hadn't heard me, she spoke.

"Let's not talk about it. At all."


She suddenly froze. "Shh!"

I stopped, staying quiet.

Down a corridor, I could barely hear the sound of swords clashing and people yelling.

"Let's go!" Skylar exclaimed, bolting down the hall, and I followed after, my train of thought from the last conversation still stuck in my mind.

We turned a corner to see Shane going up against himself, which would have surprised me a week before, but now it was nearing normal.

Cameron was in the corner, shaking with a sword in his hand, blocking another person from himself.

My breath caught in my throat.

The other person was Macey.

Skylar didn't ask any questions, she ran towards Shane, immediatley finding the imperfection. Not-Shane's eyes were colorless, while the real Shane's brown eyes were narrowed in frustration.

I stood in the corner, frozen, not sure what to do. The sword wouldn't appear, no matter how hard I tried. I couldn't go in with my fists.

I was stuck.

I watched as Skylar surprised Not-Shane, getting one good hit in. He didn't die, but faltered before bringing it's elbow back and hitting her square in the face, knocking her down.

Shane took the chance to attack, but not-Shane anticipated it, slicing Shane's shoulder open.

I was jolted out my state when I heard Macey shriek. 

Looking over, I watched as Cameron was forced to back up, not strong enough to hold not-Cameron back. 

I didn't think about it, I just ran. 

Got to help them, was the only thought that ran through my head. 

I didn't notice it at the time, too caught up in my own head, but all of a sudden, the amulet around my neck glowed, and the sword appeared in my hand. 

"Hey!" I yelled, getting not-Cameron's attention. 

I swung, and the sword passed right through it's head, and it exploded in the same way not-Skylar had. 

My brain caught up, registering the fact that I was holding the sword. 

"Woah." I breathed, and relaxed, not realizing how tense I'd been. 

"Notch, you have got to give a guy a warning sometimes!" Cameron exclaimed. "Thanks for that, though." 

"No problem, though I still don't know how I got it to work." I replied. 

"HEADS UP!" Shane yelled, and I ducked just in time for not-Shane to go flying past me, slamming into the wall. 

I moved to block Macey, who was shaking in the corner, and Cameron moved with me. 

I had to hand it to the guy, he was scared out of his mind, but he was trying to protect my sister first. 

Skylar ran up as not-Shane was done, and plunged her sword into it's chest. It exploded into gray mist on impact. 

We were silent for a moment, before Shane spoke up. 

"Okay, so I just fought me, which was the weirdest experience I've had on this whole adventure." 

"Yeah. That was weird, to put it in simple terms. Does anyone have an idea as to what our coordinates are?" Cameron asked. 

Shane facepalmed. "English, Cam, English!" He pulled the compass from his pocket and studied it. "I don't know about coordinates,but we have to go that way." 

He pointed down one of the corridors. 

"But what about the others?" I asked. "We still need to find Alyssa, Quinn, and the twins." 

"I know that. And we will." Shane replied, shoving the compass back in his pocket. "But am I gonna be the one who has to ask how you got the sword to work again?" 

I shrugged. "Still have no idea." 

"Wait, I've got an idea how to find them." Cameron spoke up. "They're all looking for the center, right?" 

"Yeah." Skylar, Shane and I spoke in unison.

"Okay. Probability states that if we're going around the maze while they're also going around the maze, the chances of us finding them become slim. So my idea is, if we find the center and wait there, they'll be looking for the center too, so it would increase our level of probability for finding them if we all have the same destination in mind."

We all stared at him. 

"Again, Cam. English, please." Shane muttered. 

Cameron sighed. "We wait in center. They go to center. We meet up at center. Clear now?" 

"Crystal." Skylar said. "Although, I think the only one you need to worry about not understanding you is Shane." 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Shane asked. 

"Nothing, nothing." Skylar said, a small smile on her face. 

Shane frowned. 

"Notch, I'm only kidding, Shane. Geez." She muttered. 

"Oh. Nevermind." Shane said. 

"Let's go. Don't want to waste anymore time." Cameron pointed out. 

"Come on, Macey." I said, grabbing onto Macey's hand and pulling her up. 

"Lead the way, Compass Boy." Skylar said, and we walked into the dark corridor, Shane leading the way. 



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